Vol. 5 (2002 year), No. 1
Voytekhovsky Yu.L.
Biomineral homologues as a new direction of scientific research
Using the combinatorial theory of polyhedrons and theory of the Diophantine equations the morphological diversity of Volvocaceae green algae polyhedral colony, giving an example of self-organization, subordinated to topological regularities of the orb partition by domed polygons has been considered. It has been established that for the Pandorina morum (Mull.) Bory colony there are only three possible combinatorically different forms, one of which has two enantiomorphic variants. The apparent morphological likeness of the polyhedral colony Volvocaceae, Radiolaria skeletons and fullerenes is an example of the biomineral homology - acquisition of common features by essentially different objects acting according to the similar interior programs, minimizing power and material expenditures for reaching - every time a little different - purposes.
(in Russian, стр.4, fig. 4, tables. 1, ref 17, MS Word 95, MS Word 95 70 Kb)
Vol. 15 (2012 year), No. 2
Chernyavsky A.V., Voytekhovsky Yu.L., Voloshin А.V., Savchenko E.E.
Ore minerals of the Panarechka epithermal low-sulphide Au-Ag deposit
On the territory of the Panarehka volcanic-tectonic structure the NW and SE blocks have been defined according to the mineralogical data. The former relates to the Au-Te deposit type novel for the Kola Peninsula, the latter is of the gold-quartz type. The NW block reveals a great variety of ore minerals of the Au-Ag-Te and Bi-Te-(S+Se) systems, sulphides and sulphosalts.
(in English, стр.6, fig. 3, tables. 5, ref 8, Adobe PDF, Adobe PDF 0 Kb)
Vol. 15 (2012 year), No. 2
Voytekhovsky Yu.L., Neradovsky Yu.N.
Kyanite of the Bol'shiye Keivy as a complex raw material
The paper discusses the potential of giant kyanite ores deposits of the Bol'shiye Keivy on the Kola Peninsula as a complex of raw materials containing great amounts of nickel sulphide and cobalt with associate gold, titanium minerals (ilmenite and ruthile), graphite, rare metals and earths. It has been shown that resources of the deposits may be doubled with staurolite. The latter is a material of fluxes for metallurgic industry alternative to fluorite. As an example, general characteristics of the New Shuururta kyanite ores deposit have been provided. The latest results in the technology of enrichment and technological processing of kyanite ores have been highlighted.
(in English, стр.10, fig. 10, tables. 3, ref 15, Adobe PDF, Adobe PDF 0 Kb)