Vol. 23 (2020 year), No. 3, DOI: 10.21443/1560-9278-2020-23-3
Aleksanian I. Yu., Nugmanov A. H.-H., YartsevaN. V., Feklunova J. S.
Determination of thermophysical characteristics and viscous properties of minced raw materials from pond carp
The thermophysical characteristics and structural-mechanical properties of a functional minced fish product have been examined, the knowledge of which is necessary for thermal calculations of the developed or improved freezing units. To find the thermophysical properties, the authors used a probe method based on the thermal inertial properties of a thermocouple, which is rarely used by modern researchers, although its advantages are obvious: in particular, it allows one to determine the desired characteristics during the working process. When studying the viscous rheology of minced semi-finished products, choosing between different types of viscometers, the authors have given a detailed analysis of the principle of their operation, as a result of which it is noted that rotary viscometers are most preferable for minced fish, since they require a smaller amount of test material to achieve the required variability of shear rates in him. Low-temperature processing of raw materials from aquatic organisms, due to its high importance for aquaculture, is constantly in the field of vision of specialists connected with refrigeration technologies for storing and processing food objects. The main trends in the development of freezing technology are aimed at increasing the intensity of processes for removing heat from the objects of freezing, but it is important to ensure the safety of their consumer properties, which directly affect the choice of the applied method of carrying out the technological process. Nowadays, there are a sufficient number of freezing methods, and the choice of the method and technical means of refrigerating various food materials requires a systematic approach, the formation of which is impossible without knowledge of the thermophysical and rheological characteristics of the processing object. The use of the results obtained by the authors, together with other necessary studies, will make it possible to identify rational operating parameters for obtaining frozen minced fish pellets with specified consumer properties. These granulated products will reduce the time for the production of minced fish culinary products at catering enterprises due to the exclusion of the stage of separate defrosting of minced semi-finished product from the technological chain.
(in English, стр.11, fig. 6, tables. 4, ref 15, AdobePDF, AdobePDF 0 Kb)