Vol. 12 (2009 year), No. 2
Zharkikh A.A.
Images processing based on wavelet transformation in Haar basis over Galois field
The task of parametric estimation of the spectral density with a high resolution on the basis of the linear dynamic model has been put and solved in the paper. The high resolution of the method has been obtained due to extrapolation of the process autocorrelation function throughout the number axis. The estimations of necessary dynamic parameters of the process (frequency and factors of fading) have been performed using the current measured data. The received spectral estimations are being expressed by simple analytical formulae and allow to interpret the results of spectral estimations at meaningful level. The methodics gives an opportunity to obtain individual spectral estimations automatically for any frequency, this is rather useful for more delicate research of the process structure.
(in Russian, стр.5, fig. 4, tables. 0, ref 6, Adobe PDF, Adobe PDF 0 Kb)
Vol. 12 (2009 year), No. 2
Zharkikh A.A.
Two-stage algorithm of allocation of contours in images
In the paper the algorithm of wavelet transformation in the Haar basis over the Galois field of the odd characteristic has been presented. The technique of its use in processing images of the BMP format has been offered as well. Results of application of this transformation by the lines of full-color images have been presented. Prospects of this technique for audio, video and the text have been discussed.
(in Russian, стр.4, fig. 8, tables. 0, ref 15, Adobe PDF, Adobe PDF 0 Kb)
Vol. 12 (2009 year), No. 2
Zharkikh A.A., Plastunov V.Yu.
On a new method of watermark embedding in an audio signal
In the paper a two-stage algorithm of allocation of contours bitmap images has been considered. At the first stage fragments of contours in four various directions come to light. This stage is a stage lost-free as it is based on arithmetics on the module 2Q. At the second stage fragments of contours are united in the general contour of the image. This stage is a stage with losses as it is based on nonlinear real arithmetics. The example of allocation of contour bitmap images has been shown.
(in Russian, стр.6, fig. 6, tables. 0, ref 13, Adobe PDF, Adobe PDF 0 Kb)
Vol. 12 (2009 year), No. 2
Zharkikh A.A., Pavlov I.A.
Analysis of algorithm of audio wave coding on the basis of spectrograms
This paper presents a novel method of an audio signal digital watermarking by an audio signal. The method is based on the conformal algebra transformations of a unit disk. The paper examines the results of modeling method in time domain and estimates computational complexity. Encouraging results have been presented showing digital watermark embedding and extraction with negligibly small distortions.
(in Russian, стр.6, fig. 3, tables. 0, ref 9, Adobe PDF, Adobe PDF 0 Kb)
Vol. 12 (2009 year), No. 2
Zharkikh A.A., Kvashenko V.A.
Comparison of representation accuracy of Gaussian wavelets of different orders
In this work the algorithm of audio wave coding (AAWC) and the algorithm of audio wave recovery after AAWC for storing this wave and its playback have been considered. The set of features extracted on the base of AAWC have been described. This set contains the vector of constant-sign intervals and the vector of global extremes on each of these intervals. The possibility of using this set in the audio signals recognition system has been analyzed. On the base of various factors the comparison of source audio signal and signal recovered after AAWC has been realized.
(in Russian, стр.6, fig. 3, tables. 0, ref 6, Adobe PDF, Adobe PDF 0 Kb)
Vol. 13 (2010 year), No. 3
Zharkikh A.A., Bychkova S.M.
On distribution of Euclidean distances between ordered set of
The paper contains the solution of the Cermelo navigational problem for a free axial field of velocities obtained in analytical and integral form by means of the principle of the Pontryagin maximum. As an example the results of concrete solutions of problems with different forms of the velocities' profile and given correlation of its base velocity and velocities of the moving object have been given. The management function has been received analytically, trajectory solutions have been built as integrals using MathCad software package. Some examples have been shown when the maximum principle does not give the optimum decision.
(in Russian, стр.15, fig. 0, tables. 0, ref 8, Adobe PDF, Adobe PDF 0 Kb)
Vol. 13 (2010 year), No. 4
Zharkikh A.A., Bychkova S.M.
Recognition of direction of point random shift accounting random rotation
The observation of the point on a plane is being made in order to determine the direction of its parallel shift. The point performs a complex motion which includes a parallel shift in a certain direction and rotation at a random angle. The observation begins at a random moment of time. Point coordinates are measured and recorded after each step of the random motion. Mathematical models have been constructed for the point motion and decisive rule of recognition. Expressions for calculating the probability of correct recognition of the parallel shift direction have been presented in the form of theorems.
(in Russian, стр.5, fig. 0, tables. 0, ref 7, Adobe PDF, Adobe PDF 0 Kb)
Vol. 13 (2010 year), No. 4
Zharkikh A.A., Pavlov I.A.
Analysis of audio signal self-similarity properties based on differential and integrating algorithms of fractional order
In this paper audio signal self-similarity based on differential and integrating algorithms of fraction order has been researched. In algorithms the moving sums and the moving differences describing low-frequency and high-frequency filtering of the input audio signal accordingly have been used. The frequency transfer constants of appropriate filters have been raised to the fractional order. Some results of computer simulation of transformations have been presented.
(in Russian, стр.4, fig. 4, tables. 1, ref 7, Adobe PDF, Adobe PDF 0 Kb)
Vol. 13 (2010 year), No. 4
Zharkikh A.A., Gurin A.V.
Plastunov V.Yu., Exactly reversible method of hiding information in audiofile preserving container histogram
A new method of hiding information inside audio file-container has been described in the paper. This method is robust to steganalysis based on histogram comparison. Method’s merits are its exact reversibility and capability of its realization in real time. But it doubles the size of the output file, and some high frequency components appear in audio file stego. The results of algorithm simulation and container capacity estimation have been given. The method can also be used for embedding watermarks in audio files.
(in Russian, стр.4, fig. 3, tables. 0, ref 6, Adobe PDF, Adobe PDF 0 Kb)
Vol. 16 (2013 year), No. 1
Zharkikh A.A., Bychkova S.M.
Probabilities of recognition of direction of point shift on a plane on a random rotations background
The complex motion of a point on a plane has been considered. The observed point and the center of point rotation carry out a parallel shift with the probability p in one of m equidistant on an angle of directions at each discrete time moment and, simultaneously, the observed point rotates relatively to this center on a random angle. The decision rule for determining the direction of shift has been justified. Expressions for conditional probability densities distribution of sample means of coordinates of the observed point have been derived. Formulas for the probabilities of correct recognition of the shift direction have been derived by two ways. One way uses the resulting conditional probability density functions. The second way is realized by averaging over random parameters of motion.
(in Russian, стр.12, fig. 0, tables. 1, ref 7, Adobe PDF, Adobe PDF 0 Kb)