Vol. 15 (2012 year), No. 4
Denisov V.V., Zhichkin A.P.
N.M. Knipovich's scientific heritage under modern conditions of the integrated development of Barents Sea resources
The Barents Sea is a large fishing area in the Euro-Arctic basin. The paper addresses principles of rational co-existence of marine fisheries and the offshore oil production industry. Main problems regarding the discharge of contaminants from production sites, subsea pipelines, and incidental oil spills from tankers have been listed and analyzed. Temporal and spatial restrictions for some period and geography of fisheries as far as bans on oil production for single fishing areas have been examined. The conclusion has been made that the nature conservation strategy aimed at conserving unique bioresources of the Barents Sea is the most suitable for modern conditions of integrated development of the Arctic shelf. Environmental risks of the oil production industry can be minimized due to the measures discussed in the paper.
(in Russian, стр.12, fig. 3, tables. 2, ref 23, Adobe PDF, Adobe PDF 0 Kb)
Vol. 15 (2012 year), No. 4
Denisov V.V., Ilyin G.V., Zhichkin A.P.
Arctic archipelagos of the Barents ecoregion as objects of rational nature management
The paper presents the analysis of harmonious ecosystem-oriented nature management based on comparison between nature conservation and consumer economic functions of Barents Sea archipelagos. The necessity of realization of reconcilable ecosystem-oriented resource management has been substantiated. Such approach enlarges understanding of Arctic archipelagos' functions as sources of ecosystem services and supplements the common view of real needs of modern man developing the Arctic.
(in Russian, стр.6, fig. 3, tables. 0, ref 15, Adobe PDF, Adobe PDF 0 Kb)