Vol. 23 (2020 year), No. 3, DOI: 10.21443/1560-9278-2020-23-3
Yurova E. A., Zhizhin N. A., Filchakova S. A.
Molecular genetic methods of analysis to identify the species affiliation of the raw material composition in food products
Methods based on the analysis of proteins and DNA molecules are more and more used to assess the composition of food products. Proteins research methods include immunological, electrophoretic and chromatographic ones. The analysis of DNA molecules is most often used to identify the species affiliation of food components. This is due to the stability of their structure compared to proteins, as well as their presence in most biological tissues. The results of studies evaluating methodological approaches for the application of the PCR diagnostic method to identify the composition of food products and the possibility of their use for monitoring dairy products have been shown. The objects of research were samples of cow, goat, sheep milk, as well as milk samples of different animal species mixed in various ratios. DNA was extracted from milk samples according to a unified technique for the separation of DNA molecules in milk and dairy products. The work also considers the possibility of using the PCR diagnostic method to identify the raw material origin of the product. To evaluate the measurement methods, artificially created samples of raw milk were used, which were cow, goat and sheep milk, a mix of three types of milk in different ratios. As a result of the research, the main method has been chosen as the real time PCR method, which has reliability, high sensitivity, sufficient rapidity, with the possibility of using it for dairy multicomponent products with a complex structural matrix, as well as products that have undergone deep technological processing.
(in Russian, стр.9, fig. 0, tables. 5, ref 26, AdobePDF, AdobePDF 0 Kb)