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Martynenko O.V., Botova M.G.

Peculiarities of diffusion formation of the plasmasphere spatial structure: Completely symmetrical statement of the problem


Abstract. The formation of the plasmasphere has been simulated by the numerical simulation method under the influence only of ionization/recombination, charge exchange reactions and field-aligned diffusion of ions O+ and H+ in a completely symmetrical 3D statement of the problem: coincided of magnetic and geographic axes for the moment of the equinox. As a result, we have got realistic enough 3D distribution of the plasma density and composition with a number of large-scale structural features: 3 night-time ionosphere electron density maxima – sub-auroral, mid-latitudinal and near-equatorial, and the corresponding peaks of ion O+ density in the outer plasmasphere and ion H+ density in the mid-latitudinal plasmasphere. The physical mechanisms of these features formation have been explained. It has been shown that together with geometry of the magnetic field determinative contribution to the formation of these features gives the spatial heterogeneity of Ti.

Keywords: ionosphere, plasmasphere, field-aligned ion diffusion, the geometry of the magnetic field, filling and emptying of the plasmasphere

Printed reference: Martynenko O.V., Botova M.G. Peculiarities of diffusion formation of the plasmasphere spatial structure: Completely symmetrical statement of the problem // Vestnik of MSTU. 2010. V. 13, No 4. P. -.

Electronic reference: Martynenko O.V., Botova M.G. Peculiarities of diffusion formation of the plasmasphere spatial structure: Completely symmetrical statement of the problem // Vestnik of MSTU. 2010. V. 13, No 4. P. -. URL: http://vestnik.mstu.edu.ru/v13_5_n42/articles/40_botova.pdf.

(In Russian, p.8, fig. 8, ref 15, Adobe PDF)