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Balabonin N.L., Korchagin A.U., Subbotin V.V., Neradovsky Yu.N., Karpov S.M., Pakhomovsky Ya.A., Savchenko Ye.E.

The minerals of platinum metals and new data on major minerals of the Fedorovo-Pansky massif ores


Abstract. The paper has presented the results of the mineralogical study of the composite low grade sulphide platinum group elements (PGE) of Cu-Ni ores of the layered Fedorovo-Pansky massif. Monosulphides Fe, Ni have a wide range of composition (metal/sulphur, Ni contents) up to the formation of the monosulphide solid solutions (Ni up to 14.1 wt.%). 95 platinum-group minerals (PGM) and unnamed phases (PGP), mainly bismutho-tellurides and tellurides of Pd, Pt, have been found in ores. The most common and widely-distributed species of the PGM are merenskyite (Pd,Pt)(Te,Bi)2; moncheite (Pt,Pd)(Te,Bi)2; kotulskite Pd(Te,Bi); braggite (Pt,Pd,Ni)S and sperrylite PtAs2. The data have been presented on the abundance grain sizes, morphology, microassosiations and composition of the PGM. All common minerals except sperrylite have a wide range of composition. The following conclusions may be drawn: a long history of PGM cristallization in different conditions; Pansky and Fedorova massives are supposed to have different magmatic sources; postore regime of massif cooling took place under chilling condition with fluid loss. The indicator role of the PGM in genetic and typification problems has been emphasized.

Printed reference: The minerals of platinum metals and new data on major minerals of the Fedorovo-Pansky massif ores / N.L. Balabonin, A.U. Korchagin, V.V. Subbotin, Yu.N. Neradovsky, S.M. Karpov, Ya.A. Pakhomovsky, Ye.E. Savchenko // Vestnik of MSTU. 2000. V. 3, No 2. P. -.

Electronic reference: The minerals of platinum metals and new data on major minerals of the Fedorovo-Pansky massif ores / N.L. Balabonin, A.U. Korchagin, V.V. Subbotin, Yu.N. Neradovsky, S.M. Karpov, Ya.A. Pakhomovsky, Ye.E. Savchenko // Vestnik of MSTU. 2000. V. 3, No 2. P. -. URL: http://vestnik.mstu.edu.ru/v03_2_n07/articles/01_balab.zip.

(In Russian, p.26, fig. 9, tables 11, ref 90, MS Word 95, WinZip)