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Karpov M.I., Namgaladze A.A., Zolotov O.V.

Three-dimensional structure of the seismo-electromagnetic ionospheric electron density disturbances


Abstract. The paper presents the three-dimensional structure of the ionospheric electron density disturbances triggered by the vertical electric currents flowing between the Earth and ionosphere over the faults before the strong earthquakes. The results were obtained using the global numerical Earth's Upper Atmosphere Model (UAM). The vertical electric currents flowing between the Earth and ionosphere over the faults were used as lower boundary conditions for the UAM electric potential equation. The UAM calculated 3D structure of the ionospheric electron density disturbances demonstrates an importance of all three ionospheric plasma drift movements – vertical, meridional and zonal but not only vertical one.

Keywords: электронная концентрация, моделирование, UAM, землетрясение, вертикальный электрический ток, ионосфера, дрейф плазмы

Printed reference: Karpov M.I., Namgaladze A.A., Zolotov O.V. Three-dimensional structure of the seismo-electromagnetic ionospheric electron density disturbances // Vestnik of MSTU. 2012. V. 15, No 3. P. 595-603.

Electronic reference: Karpov M.I., Namgaladze A.A., Zolotov O.V. Three-dimensional structure of the seismo-electromagnetic ionospheric electron density disturbances // Vestnik of MSTU. 2012. V. 15, No 3. P. 595-603. URL: http://vestnik.mstu.edu.ru/v15_3_n49/articles/595_603_karpov.pdf.

(In English, p.9, fig. 9, ref 26, Adobe PDF)