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Reut K.V., Dolgopyatova N.V., Novikov V.Yu., Putintsev N.M., Konovalova I.N., Kuchina Yu.A.

Optical activity and spectrophotometric characteristics of chitosan solutions obtained from the Kamchatka crab and the Arctic shrimp


Abstract. The size of specific optical rotation of chitosan solutions has been shown to depend on nucleophilicity of hydrolyzing agent, it grows in absolute value with increase of quantities of trailer glycosidic centers in chitosan solution; the chitosan deacetylation degree practically does not influence on the size of specific optical rotation. For chitosan from chitin of the Kamchatka crab and the Arctic shrimp identical laws of influence of molecular weight and deacetylation degree on the size of specific optical rotation have been obtained. Influence of phosphoric acid on conformational transformations trailer glycosidic centres of chitosan molecules has been defined.

Keywords: chitin, chitosan, acid hydrolysis, optical activity, molecular weight, deacetylation degree, ultraviolet spectrum, conformational conversion

Printed reference: Optical activity and spectrophotometric characteristics of chitosan solutions obtained from the Kamchatka crab and the Arctic shrimp / K.V. Reut, N.V. Dolgopyatova, V.Yu. Novikov, N.M. Putintsev, I.N. Konovalova, Yu.A. Kuchina // Vestnik of MSTU. 2013. V. 16, No 3. P. 580-585.

Electronic reference: Optical activity and spectrophotometric characteristics of chitosan solutions obtained from the Kamchatka crab and the Arctic shrimp / K.V. Reut, N.V. Dolgopyatova, V.Yu. Novikov, N.M. Putintsev, I.N. Konovalova, Yu.A. Kuchina // Vestnik of MSTU. 2013. V. 16, No 3. P. 580-585. URL: http://vestnik.mstu.edu.ru/v16_3_n53/580_585_reut.pdf.

(In Russian, p.6, fig. 6, tables 2, ref 12, Adobe PDF)