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New Approaches to Innovation Management
Abstract. Two problems concerning innovations and their management are under discussion in this paper. First of all, a new approach in understanding innovations as an object of innovation management and their role in economic development of society is offered. Under this term “innovation” a new satisfaction of needs (or meeting the demands in a new way), the creation of a new market and a new consumer is meant, thus, differing from the traditional point of view on innovations as an aspect of activities for developing and working out new technologies and goods. This new approach to innovations results from the innovation resource analysis, their types and their role in the development of the enterprise’s economic activities and the society on the whole. The second problem, being discussed in the paper, deals with the proposal not to use the term “know-how introduction” so popular in this country. This term implies some negative shade of obstructing the innovation development at the enterprise. Such terms as “monitoring of innovation opportunities”, “subject to innovations”, “strategic planning of innovations” are offered for describing innovation processes and actions at the enterprise instead. Activities in innovation changes of the organization enter the strategic planning logically. Moreover, it is the very procedure of strategic planning that allows to reveal the sources of financing innovations at the enterprise. Applying the portfolio analysis of the trends in the company’s activities, in particular, is supposed to go along with strategic planning, re-distributing the resources (material, financial, human), their possible releasing and their further use in innovation development.
Printed reference: Chechurina M.N. New Approaches to Innovation Management // Vestnik of MSTU. 1998. V. 1, No 1. P. -.
Electronic reference: Chechurina M.N. New Approaches to Innovation Management // Vestnik of MSTU. 1998. V. 1, No 1. P. -. URL:
(In Russian, p.8, fig. 4, tables 3, ref 8, MS Word 95, WinZip)