Tolstobrov D. S., Kolka V. V., Tolstobrova A. N., Korsakova O. P.
Experience of the chronological correlation of the Holocene sea coastal landforms in the Tuloma River valley and the Kola Bay
DOI: 10.21443/1560-9278-2016-1/1-142-150
Abstract. The paper is a continuation of studies of the Earth's crust neotectonic movements within the north-western part of the Kola region. New radiocarbon data of the lake bottom sediments in the Tuloma River valley allowed to modify diagram of the relative uplift lines of the Earth surface in the north-western part of the Kola region and to compare them with previously constructed epeirogenic spectra of coastal landforms for the study area. The dynamics and nature of the area uplift have been established and the dating of the ancient shorelines within the Tuloma River valley and the Kola Bay of the Barents Sea during the Holocene has been carried out
Keywords: neotectonics, bottom lake sediments, ancient shorelines, Holocene, the Kola region
Printed reference: Experience of the chronological correlation of the Holocene sea coastal landforms in the Tuloma River valley and the Kola Bay / D. Tolstobrov, V. Kolka, A. Tolstobrova, O. Korsakova // Vestnik of MSTU. 2016. V. 19, No 1. P. 142-150.
Electronic reference: Experience of the chronological correlation of the Holocene sea coastal landforms in the Tuloma River valley and the Kola Bay / D. Tolstobrov, V. Kolka, A. Tolstobrova, O. Korsakova // Vestnik of MSTU. 2016. V. 19, No 1. P. 142-150. URL: