Zakharenko V. S., Shlykova V. A., Radchenko M. S.
Role of the endogenous component in formation of hydrocarbons in the "continent – ocean" transition zone of the Spitsbergen-Barents continental margin
DOI: 10.21443/1560-9278-2016-1/2-176-183
Abstract. The comprehensive analysis of results of marine geological and geophysical surveys has been carried out; the role of endogenous factors in migration and composition of hydrocarbons in the Pomor trough area and the continental margin has been revealed
Keywords: degassing of the Earth, Pomorski trough, geodynamics, hydrocarbons
Printed reference: Zakharenko V. S., Shlykova V. A., Radchenko M. S. Role of the endogenous component in formation of hydrocarbons in the "continent – ocean" transition zone of the Spitsbergen-Barents continental margin // Vestnik of MSTU. 2016. V. 19, No 1. P. 176-183.
Electronic reference: Zakharenko V. S., Shlykova V. A., Radchenko M. S. Role of the endogenous component in formation of hydrocarbons in the "continent – ocean" transition zone of the Spitsbergen-Barents continental margin // Vestnik of MSTU. 2016. V. 19, No 1. P. 176-183. URL: