Zharinov N.V., Gerashchenko L.V., Sokolov P.V.
Economic assessment of current trends of Russian maritime activities in the field of shipbuilding
DOI: 10.21443/1560-9278-2016-2-392-398
Abstract. The paper analyzes the current trends in the development of the domestic shipbuilding industry in terms of the geopolitical and economic instability and anti-Russian and retaliatory sanctions. The possibilities of Russia for import substitution in the military industrial complex have been evaluated. A review of domestic and foreign experience of shipbuilding development in the economic crisis in Europe and the Asia-Pacific region from the standpoint of using this experience in modern Russia has been presented.
Printed reference: Zharinov N.V., Gerashchenko L.V., Sokolov P.V. Economic assessment of current trends of Russian maritime activities in the field of shipbuilding // Vestnik of MSTU. 2016. V. 19, No 2. P. 392-398.
Electronic reference: Zharinov N.V., Gerashchenko L.V., Sokolov P.V. Economic assessment of current trends of Russian maritime activities in the field of shipbuilding // Vestnik of MSTU. 2016. V. 19, No 2. P. 392-398. URL: