Nemchenko S.B., Tsetsenevskaya O.I.
The Arctic zone of the Russian Federation: The development of legislation in the Soviet period
DOI: 10.21443/1560-9278-2016-2-466-475
- Organizational activity of the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR in participation of the delegation of Soviet scholars in the First Plenum of the International Society for the Exploration of the Arctic Regions by Means of the Airship (Aeroarctic) and its results
Olga Dmitrievna Maximova
Международное право и международные организации / International Law and International Organizations, 2021; (4): 53 - METHODOLOGICAL FOUNDATIONS OF FORECASTING LAW ENFORCEMENT PRACTICE IN THE FIELD OF ENSURING RUSSIA'S SECURITY IN THE ARCTIC REGION
Artem Kolesnik
Abstract. The paper contains the detailed analysis of thirty-three legal acts of the Soviet period specifically addressing the Arctic zone, namely the instruments of the international law, bases of public administration, environmental law and safety. The conclusion has been made that the development of the regulatory framework contributed to the Soviet Union geo-economic objectives in the Arctic and lawmaking in the 1980s was the most complete and effective in ensuring the safety of flights over the Arctic and navigation in ice. It has been shown that the rulemaking of the Soviet period in determining state borders of the USSR and the Arctic zone laid the foundations of the sectorial principle of demarcation used in international politics to date.
Printed reference: Nemchenko S.B., Tsetsenevskaya O.I. The Arctic zone of the Russian Federation: The development of legislation in the Soviet period // Vestnik of MSTU. 2016. V. 19, No 2. P. 466-475.
Electronic reference: Nemchenko S.B., Tsetsenevskaya O.I. The Arctic zone of the Russian Federation: The development of legislation in the Soviet period // Vestnik of MSTU. 2016. V. 19, No 2. P. 466-475. URL: