Rationale for using integrated enzymatic preparation for receiving food fibers from secondary resources of vegetable material processing
DOI: 10.21443/1560-9278-2016-3-563-568
Abstract. The purpose of the work is to establish some rational modes of receipt of the food fibers (FF) from secondary resources of vegetable raw materials. Studying chemical properties of research objects has been carried out by standard methods in accordance with the GOST 26183–84, GOST 7636–85, GOST 25555.3–82, GOST 28561–90. Determination of reducing and not reducing sugars content has been performed by the cyanide method; determination of pectinaceous substances' content – by the calcium-pectate method. As an enzyme medicine the earlier not studied complex enzyme medicine of proteolytic and amilolytic action of Bacillus subtilis and Penicillium emersonii cultures has been tested. Studying heat stability of complex enzyme medicine has been carried out at varying of the hydrolysis temperature from 40 °C to 80 °C. The fractional composition of carbohydrates of secondary resources of aubergines, vegetable marrows and onions conversion has been researched. Content of FF (cellulose, gemitsellyuloza, pectin) in waste from conversion of vegetable marrows constitutes 42 % of general content of carbohydrates, aubergines – 39,2 %, and onion – 30,4 %. Chemical and carbohydrate structures of secondary resources of vegetable raw materials allow consider them as FF source, and also shows feasibility of their conversion without fractionation by the form of secondary resources. The rational modes of hydrolysis of vegetable raw materials secondary resources' mix for removing the accompanying organic compounds have been determined. The maximum proteolytic activity of enzyme medicine takes place at the temperature of 50 °C, amilolytic activity – at 70 °C. In case of рН increase from 2.0 to 6.0 proteolytic and amilolytic activity reaches the maximum and constitutes 94 % and 95 % respectively, in case of further increase рН the activity decreases. The rational value of рН of reactionary environment when carrying out enzymatic hydrolysis in the presence of enzyme medicine is рН equal to 6.0. The received results allow set the rational modes of enzyme medicine effect (temperature and рН) necessary for carrying out enzymatic hydrolysis of secondary resources of aubergines, vegetable marrows and onion processing.
Keywords: secondary resources of vegetable raw materials processing, food fibers, enzymatic hydrolysis, enzyme preparation, rational modes
Printed reference: Alimov A. V., Tsibizova M. E. Rationale for using integrated enzymatic preparation for receiving food fibers from secondary resources of vegetable material processing // Vestnik of MSTU. 2016. V. 19, No 3. P. 563-568.
Electronic reference: Alimov A. V., Tsibizova M. E. Rationale for using integrated enzymatic preparation for receiving food fibers from secondary resources of vegetable material processing // Vestnik of MSTU. 2016. V. 19, No 3. P. 563-568. URL: