Experimental studies of characteristics of pulse transformers with various types of magnetic conductors executed according to the cascade scheme
DOI: 10.21443/1560-9278-2016-4-704-714
Abstract. At present the theory and calculation of single-stage high-pulse transformer (PT) are well developed. Their characteristics are determined depending on the type and load parameters. However, the method of calculation of PT executed in cascade is not fully developed. The main advantage of the cascade scheme is the transfer of the insulation from the inside to the outside. Due to this electric field intensity can be reduced at the inner insulation number of times, the number of PT components in cascade. The paper presents the results of comparative experimental studies of the characteristics of single-stage and two-stage PT included in the resistive load and recharge mode capacitive storage through to PT exacerbates capacity. There are considered two types of PT with the same ratios, the number of turns of the windings and the section of magnetic cores, but different magnetic properties of the cores. The methodology of comparative research is to determine the forming properties of one- and two-stage PT schemes in the storage capacitor discharge on resistive and capacitive load across PT with following oscilloscope current and voltage at the load. Comparative studies have defined the scope of the cascade of PT schemes. The paper shows that the multi-stage schemes of PT are highly ineffective in the pulse shaping circuits on resistive load as the inductive elements of the equivalent circuits cascade PT form an inductive voltage divider. It has been shown that the cascade circuit is effective in PT overcharge mode sharpened on capacitive storage capacity in the matching mode, while the efficiency of such schemes is close to 100 %, and those positive properties possessed by the cascade circuits are realized.
Printed reference: Danilin A. N., Klimov A. A. Experimental studies of characteristics of pulse transformers with various types of magnetic conductors executed according to the cascade scheme // Vestnik of MSTU. 2016. V. 19, No 4. P. 704-714.
Electronic reference: Danilin A. N., Klimov A. A. Experimental studies of characteristics of pulse transformers with various types of magnetic conductors executed according to the cascade scheme // Vestnik of MSTU. 2016. V. 19, No 4. P. 704-714. URL: