Masyutkin E. P., Avdeyev B. A., Prosvirnin V. I.
Research of distribution of the magnetic field intensity in the inertial device of the ship engine oil purification
DOI: 10.21443/1560-9278-2016-4-737-743
Abstract. In the paper experimental data showing the magnetic field distribution in the hydrocyclone working chamber according to radius and height have been presented. One of the most important parameter of magnetic hydrocyclones is the distribution of the magnetic field along the radius and height of the working chamber necessary to calculate the coagulation and magnetic forces that act on the particle or the flocculation. The magnetic field intensity has been calculated by the magnetic intensity measured by the magnetometer at regular intervals and with different values of DC supply. The resulting values of the magnetic intensity have been presented in graphs. Data that show the distribution of the magnetic field in the hydrocyclone working chamber are the same as those published in domestic and foreign scientific journals. There are several data points that do not fit in the relationship caused by non-ideal manufacturing apparatus and the procedure measuring the magnetic field. Field distribution curves received by the previously found dependencies have been constructed; correlation coefficients have been calculated and proved that analyzed dependence can be used in further calculations forces coagulation and magnetic force as theoretical and experimental data are in good agreement. In most of the hydrocyclone height the field can be considered constant by height and radius and sufficient for the coagulation of the magnetic particles. The change of the magnetic field has been considered where the outer part of the magnetic circuit is not formed whole but in the form of vertical strips. The research has shown that the area with the minimum field strength is enough to not only save the already formed floccules, but also to continue the process of floccule formation.
Printed reference: Masyutkin E. P., Avdeyev B. A., Prosvirnin V. I. Research of distribution of the magnetic field intensity in the inertial device of the ship engine oil purification // Vestnik of MSTU. 2016. V. 19, No 4. P. 737-743.
Electronic reference: Masyutkin E. P., Avdeyev B. A., Prosvirnin V. I. Research of distribution of the magnetic field intensity in the inertial device of the ship engine oil purification // Vestnik of MSTU. 2016. V. 19, No 4. P. 737-743. URL: