Resettable regime of diesel lubrication
DOI: 10.21443/1560-9278-2016-4-790-797
Abstract. A new method of engine oil saturation by microelements has been presented in the paper; it has been tested on vessels of the fishing fleet and in conditions of prolonged operation in the coastal diesel-engine power plants. The paper considers the results of performance tests of the most common diesel power plants of 6ЧН 25/34 type with the tribochemical reductant oil (TRO) apparatus providing tribochemical lubrication. During comparative trials of two diesels the samples of lubricating oil m-10B2 and m-10 have been periodically collected and subjected to spectral analysis. In the samples the number of the following key microelements has been determined: iron (Fe), aluminum (Al), zinc (Zn), sodium (Na), barium (Ba), calcium (Ca), tin (Sn), phosphorus (P), potassium (K), sulfur (S), chlorine (Cl), silicon (Si). During the operation the processes of microelements' extraction and destruction in diesel motor oils evaluated by the relevant coefficients have been clearly manifested. Analyzing the obtained experimental data it should be noted that in both experiments the total balance of the controlled 15 trace elements has been balanced and approached within 1640.5–1650.3 g/t. And the greater measure refers to conventional oil. Stabilization and improvement of physical and chemical properties of motor oil in operation of a diesel engine is possible from the authors' viewpoint only in the tribochemical lubrication mode using the TRO apparatus and created hydrodynamic module – dispersant. The past performance tests suggest the possibility of use as a lubricant the conventional (pure) oil under actual operating conditions. When in the tribochemical mode of diesel engine lubrication it has been established that in conventional (pure) oil the oily medium has been formed with a spectrum of microelements equivalent to engine oil filler.
Printed reference: Nechaev E. P. Resettable regime of diesel lubrication // Vestnik of MSTU. 2016. V. 19, No 4. P. 790-797.
Electronic reference: Nechaev E. P. Resettable regime of diesel lubrication // Vestnik of MSTU. 2016. V. 19, No 4. P. 790-797. URL: