Effect of enzyme preparation on quality of preserves in flavored oil from poorly maturing fish of the North Basin
DOI: 10.21443/1560-9278-2016-4-854-860
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Abstract. The paper considers the need for developing new technologies for processing poorly maturing fish of the North Basin based on the analysis of catch volumes and taking into account the main directions of state policy of development of the fishing industry. As an object of research the preserves of blue whiting in flavored oil have been chosen. Oil has been flavored by the smoke preparation "Squama–2" developed at the Department of Food Production Technology. To activate the process of maturation the enzyme preparation from king crab pankrias has been used (the total activity of the enzyme preparation is equal to 74.4 IU). The enzyme preparation has been developed on the basis of Knipovich Polar Research Institute of Marine Fisheries and Oceanography (PINRO) (the pilot batch). The preserves have been produced according to traditional technological schemes with addition of the enzyme preparation in brine salting at the semi-finished product. The aim of research is to establish the preferred dose of the enzyme preparation, its effect on the organoleptic characteristics, maturation rate and shelf life preserves. Sampling salted semi-finished and finished products, preparing them for the analysis have been carried out according to the standard methods under the current regulatory documents. The results have shown that using the enzyme preparation in the manufacture of preserves allows expand the range of products from small-maturing fish of the North Basin. In the production of pilot batches of blue whiting preserves in flavored oils using enzyme preparation based on results of the organoleptic and chemical investigations the necessary dose of enzyme preparation added to the brine during raw materials salting equal to 0.05 g/l has been established. Shelf life of preserves (with mass fraction of salt in the finished product equal to 6 %) at the given dose of the enzyme preparation is 4 months.
Printed reference: Brazhnaya I. E. Effect of enzyme preparation on quality of preserves in flavored oil from poorly maturing fish of the North Basin // Vestnik of MSTU. 2016. V. 19, No 4. P. 854-860.
Electronic reference: Brazhnaya I. E. Effect of enzyme preparation on quality of preserves in flavored oil from poorly maturing fish of the North Basin // Vestnik of MSTU. 2016. V. 19, No 4. P. 854-860. URL: