Korotaev B. A., Vasyokha V. M., Onufrik A. M.
Reservoir pressure evolution model during exploration drilling
DOI: 10.21443/1560-9278-2017-20-1/1-104-110
Abstract. Based on the analysis of laboratory studies and literature data the method for estimating reservoir pressure in exploratory drilling has been proposed, it allows identify zones of abnormal reservoir pressure in the presence of seismic data on reservoir location depths. This method of assessment is based on developed at the end of the XX century methods using d- and ?-exponentials taking into account the mechanical drilling speed, rotor speed, bit load and its diameter, lithological constant and degree of rocks' compaction, mud density and "regional density". It is known that in exploratory drilling pulsation of pressure at the wellhead is observed. Such pulsation is a consequence of transferring reservoir pressure through clay. In the paper the mechanism for transferring pressure to the bottomhole as well as the behaviour of the clay layer during transmission of excess pressure has been described. A laboratory installation has been built, it has been used for modelling pressure propagation to the bottomhole of the well through a layer of clay. The bulge of the clay layer is established for 215.9 mm bottomhole diameter. Functional correlation of pressure propagation through the layer of clay has been determined and a reaction of the top clay layer has been shown to have bulge with a height of 25 mm. A pressure distribution scheme (balance) has been developed, which takes into account the distance from layers with abnormal pressure to the bottomhole. A balance equation for reservoir pressure evaluation has been derived including well depth, distance from bottomhole to the top of the formation with abnormal pressure and density of clay.
Keywords: reservoir pressure, abnormal reservoir pressure, exploration drilling, modelling of abnormal pressure
Printed reference: Korotaev B. A., Vasyokha V. M., Onufrik A. M. Reservoir pressure evolution model during exploration drilling // Vestnik of MSTU. 2017. V. 20, No 1. P. 104-110.
Electronic reference: Korotaev B. A., Vasyokha V. M., Onufrik A. M. Reservoir pressure evolution model during exploration drilling // Vestnik of MSTU. 2017. V. 20, No 1. P. 104-110. URL: