Bekrenevа O. I., Bogdanova O. Yu.
Comparative analysis of the quality of drinking tap water in some areas of the Murmansk region
DOI: 10.21443/1560-9278-2017-20-2-295-300
Abstract. The present work describes the microbiological research of drinking tap water quality of some settlements in the Murmansk region. The samples of drinking tap water have been selected and the microbiological indicators of thermotolerant coliform bacteria, common coliform bacteria, and total microbial number have been determined; the compliance of these indicators with the requirements of sanitary norms and rules has been also established. Determination of total microbial number has been carried out by the deep method, and levels of total and thermotolerant coliform bacteria – by the membrane filtration method. It has been shown that the content of microorganisms in drinking water sources depends on the season of the year. The greatest number of microorganisms in water is observed in spring and autumn periods of the year and is caused by floodwater and precipitation of water into the water intake system. The greatest number of microorganisms in water samples has been recorded in the town of Sputnik. The repeated inconsistency of water quality with the requirements of normative and technical documentation has been identified. The prevalence of acute intestinal diseases among the population and the influence of water quality on this indicator have been estimated. The high incidence of intestinal infections in the town of Pechenga has been revealed, a few more prosperous for this indicator are the towns of Zaozersk and Sputnik. Recommendations for improving the quality of drinking water treatment have been transferred to the services of central water supply and distributed among the population. After the implementation of the recommendations, the repeated tests have been performed, and some improvement of water quality has been stated.
Printed reference: Bekrenevа O. I., Bogdanova O. Yu. Comparative analysis of the quality of drinking tap water in some areas of the Murmansk region // Vestnik of MSTU. 2017. V. 20, No 2. P. 295-300.
Electronic reference: Bekrenevа O. I., Bogdanova O. Yu. Comparative analysis of the quality of drinking tap water in some areas of the Murmansk region // Vestnik of MSTU. 2017. V. 20, No 2. P. 295-300. URL: