Yakunina N. V., Nesterenko D. Kh., Arslanov M. A.
Factor analysis of ways to activate using the urban passenger motor transport
DOI: 10.21443/1560-9278-2018-21-4-533-540
Abstract. The deterioration in the quality of transport services to the population with simultaneous increasing the number of motor vehicles leads to aggravation of the accumulated problems in the sphere of passenger transport. The increase in the share of urban passenger road transport will reduce the load on the road network, improve the efficiency of its capacity. The results of studying the factors of attractiveness of urban passenger transport services have been presented. The object of the study is the process of transporting passengers by road. The subject of the study is the conditions under which passengers will make a choice in favour of urban passenger transport. The purpose of the study is to increase the degree of using passenger motor transport services. To achieve the research objectives, methods of sociological interrogation, a method for constructing a matrix of pairwise comparisons, and rules for the theory of pattern recognition have been applied. According to the results of a sociological survey and statistical processing, 14 factors of attractiveness of passenger motor transport services have been identified. Respondents from different categories of the population took part in the survey. The factors of influence of factors increasing the attractiveness of urban passenger transport services have been determined. The mathematical model of estimating the level of appeal of passenger motor transport has been presented. It has been established that the cost and time factors have the greatest influence on the choice of transportation: when the fare and the duration of travel on urban passenger transport is significantly less than the cost and travel time by car. Increasing the attractiveness of urban passenger transport services will increase its use by 12.4 %. At the same time, the level of loading the road network will decrease, and the efficiency of its capacity will increase.
Printed reference: Yakunina N. V., Nesterenko D. Kh., Arslanov M. A. Factor analysis of ways to activate using the urban passenger motor transport // Vestnik of MSTU. 2018. V. 21, No 4. P. 533-540.
Electronic reference: Yakunina N. V., Nesterenko D. Kh., Arslanov M. A. Factor analysis of ways to activate using the urban passenger motor transport // Vestnik of MSTU. 2018. V. 21, No 4. P. 533-540. URL: