Vasilieva Zh. V., Gorbovskaya T. D., Pavlov A. V.
Recultivation of oil contaminated soil using organic wastes in the Kola North conditions
DOI: 10.21443/1560-9278-2019-22-1-72-82
Abstract. Extraction, transportation, transshipment and storage of oil lead to accidental pollution of soil with oil products. To solve this problem, the possibility of using organic waste produced by the Murmansk region for the remediation of oil-polluted soils in the Kola North has been studied. The study has been carried out for three months at temperatures from 10 to 18 °C simulating the temperature conditions of the summer months on the Kola Peninsula. The contaminated soil was collected outside of Murmansk borders and the zones of industrial pollution on the Kola Peninsula. The soil type is podzol. Pollution modeling has been carried out by introducing F-5 fuel oil into the soil. The following organic components have been used as reclamation agents: excess activated sludge from biological treatment facilities of the enterprise Murmanskvodokanal; Saccharomyces cerevisiae brewery sedimentary beer yeast of the Murmansk region; chitosan – a product of conversion of Kamchatka crab processing waste. Reclaimers have been applied in concentrations of 16, 20 and 20 g/kg of soil respectively. The effectiveness of reclaiming of fuel oil contaminated soils has been assessed during measuring the oil content by the fluorimetric method and the ecotoxicological phytotesting of the studied soil samples. At the end of the reclaiming period, the greatest decrease in the concentration of oil products (up to 62 %) is observed in samples with active sludge. In soil samples reclaimed by sedimentary yeast and chitosan, the decrease in concentration is 48.7 and 54.6 % respectively; at the same time, the level of soil self-purification is 22.6 %. The results of the experiment allow us to make a reliable conclusion about the effectiveness and feasibility of using excess activated sludge, sedimentary yeast and chitosan as remediation of oil-polluted soils
Keywords: recultivation of oil contaminated soil, fuel oil, activated sludge, settled yeast, chitosan, total petroleum hydrocarbon (TPH), phytotoxicity
Printed reference: Vasilieva Zh. V., Gorbovskaya T. D., Pavlov A. V. Recultivation of oil contaminated soil using organic wastes in the Kola North conditions // Vestnik of MSTU. 2019. V. 22, No 1. P. 72-82.
Electronic reference: Vasilieva Zh. V., Gorbovskaya T. D., Pavlov A. V. Recultivation of oil contaminated soil using organic wastes in the Kola North conditions // Vestnik of MSTU. 2019. V. 22, No 1. P. 72-82. URL: