Brazhnaya I. E., Tifanyuk A. V., Mikhaylovskaya A. V.,Sudak S. N., Kulik O. M.
The use of ultraviolet bactericidal radiation in the technology of manufacturing fish minced semi-finished products from low-profitable raw materials of the Northern Basin
DOI: 10.21443/1560-9278-2019-22-3-338-348
Abstract. The development of methods to prolong the shelf life of food products is an urgent and timely task. The effect of ultraviolet bactericidal irradiation on the shelf life of chopped fish semi-finished products from the low-profitable raw materials of the Northern Basin with the addition of amaranth flour has been studied. The rationale for the use of the main raw material – whiting (Micromesistius poutassou) of intact frozen, as well as components that affect the formability of semi-finished products has been presented. The laboratories' air with various groups of risk factors has been studied; the influence of ultraviolet radiation on changing the microbiological and organoleptic characteristics of chilled chopped fish semi-finished products with amaranth flour during storage and depending on production factors has been investigated. The study of the effect of bactericidal irradiation on the shelf life of the finished product has been carried out under sterile and non-sterile conditions. The results of microbiological studies of experimental samples before and after ultraviolet irradiation and their analysis compared with the control have been presented. The bactericidal dose (exposure) and the efficiency for this type of product during planar irradiation, as well as the irradiation time sufficient for the death of pathogenic microflora have been calculated. To achieve the desired bactericidal efficiency, the exposure time is 5 s. The effect of ultraviolet bactericidal irradiation on the products under investigation has been studied in accordance with the calculated data, and a comparative analysis of the results obtained has been performed. In the course of the research it has been found that the use of ultraviolet irradiation allows to increase the shelf life of cooled semi-finished products, the highest bactericidal efficiency is achieved by irradiating samples from 5 to 30 s. Further increase in exposure time for the shelf life of chopped fish semi-finished products does not have a significant effect. A scientifically grounded shelf life of chilled chopped fish semi-finished products subjected to irradiation has been established: 3 days at the temperature of 0 ± 2 °C.
Printed reference: The use of ultraviolet bactericidal radiation in the technology of manufacturing fish minced semi-finished products from low-profitable raw materials of the Northern Basin / I. Brazhnaya, A. Tifanyuk, A. Mikhaylovskaya, O. Kulik // Vestnik of MSTU. 2019. V. 22, No 3. P. 338-348.
Electronic reference: The use of ultraviolet bactericidal radiation in the technology of manufacturing fish minced semi-finished products from low-profitable raw materials of the Northern Basin / I. Brazhnaya, A. Tifanyuk, A. Mikhaylovskaya, O. Kulik // Vestnik of MSTU. 2019. V. 22, No 3. P. 338-348. URL: