Kashin A. I., Nemirovsky A. E.
Analysis of depolymerization of insulating compositions of electric motor windings based on ultrasonic radiation
DOI: 10.21443/1560-9278-2021-24-4-361-371
Abstract. This work is a continuation of the fundamental study on implementing an innovative method of repairing electric motors using ultrasound. A study of the method of dismantling windings based on ultrasound has been carried out for the purpose of energy efficiency, environmental friendliness and less time spent on the repair cycle of electric motors in terms of removing the stator winding. The investigated dismantling method is optimal for a number of technical issues in comparison with the existing methods for dismantling electric motor windings. In the work, the main focus is on the material of the winding insulation. Lacquer and compound types of insulation of industrial electric motors, which are the main ones everywhere, have been analyzed. The analysis of the impregnating electrical insulating compositions of the stator windings of electric motors and the influence of ultrasound on them during dismantling of the windings of electric motors at different levels of influence of forcing factors: duration and power of ultrasonic action, concentration and temperature of the working solution. The applied mathematical software systems for calculation and modeling guarantee the reliability and rationality of the results of the experiments obtained during the work. A system of equations has been modeled and models of the effect of useful factors relative to each other have been constructed, the results obtained have been optimized and the optimal parameters of both varnish and compound insulation systems have been identified. The optimal parameters of the investigated types of insulation show encouraging results on many important points: duration, energy consumption, environmental friendliness.
Printed reference: Kashin A. I., Nemirovsky A. E. Analysis of depolymerization of insulating compositions of electric motor windings based on ultrasonic radiation // Vestnik of MSTU. 2021. V. 24, No 4. P. 361-371.
Electronic reference: Kashin A. I., Nemirovsky A. E. Analysis of depolymerization of insulating compositions of electric motor windings based on ultrasonic radiation // Vestnik of MSTU. 2021. V. 24, No 4. P. 361-371. URL: