Kozlov N. Е., Sorokhtin N. О., Kozlova N. Е., Martynov Еu. V.
Geological structure of the Ustoyarvi region (North-Western part of the Russian Arctic)
DOI: 10.21443/1560-9278-2022-25-1-12-26
Abstract. The paper presents data on geology and composition of rocks from the Ustoyarvi region (the North-Western Arctic zone of Russian Federation). Their compositional analysis (including mathematical evaluation of the similarity/difference measure) provided much reliable conclusion that the rocks from this area, which are presumably attributed to the Ustoyarvi structure (Ustoyarvinsky Greenstone Belt) were similar to those from the Ura-Guba area in the Kolmozero-Voronya Belt and continued it. In addition, it has been shown that from west to east lithotectonic units in the adjacent (Suormussky) Block become gradually impregnated with tectonic wedges of rocks of the Ustoyarvi Greenstone Belt. It indicates increasing collisional interaction between rock associations with a varied genesis. P-T formation parameters have been specified for komatiites from greenstone belts, i. e. the Kolmozero-Voronya, Ura-Guba, Ustoyarvi and Western Litsa area. It has been defined that komatiites of the Ustoyarvi Greenstone Belt were formed under pressure of about 5 hPa, komatiites of the Ura-Guba area – about 4.5 hPa, komatiites of the Kolmozero-Voronya – about 2 hPa. Thus, komatiites of the Ustoyarvi Greenstone Belt are more high-pressure formations.
Printed reference: Geological structure of the Ustoyarvi region (North-Western part of the Russian Arctic) / N. Kozlov, N. Sorokhtin, N. Kozlova, Еu. Martynov // Vestnik of MSTU. 2022. V. 25, No 1. P. 12-26.
Electronic reference: Geological structure of the Ustoyarvi region (North-Western part of the Russian Arctic) / N. Kozlov, N. Sorokhtin, N. Kozlova, Еu. Martynov // Vestnik of MSTU. 2022. V. 25, No 1. P. 12-26. URL: