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Geological setting and petrological peculiarities of volcanic rocks from the Majarvi, Pirttijarvi and Orshoaivi Formations in the Kola Superdeep Borehole and in the near-surface zone
Abstract. The problem of systematics of amphibolite from the Kola Superdeep Borehole (SG-3) Archaean section has been discussed. An integrated petrogeochemical approach allows classifying these rocks with a high degree of reliability and distinguishing among them varieties dated presumably as Archaean and Proterozoic. Proterozoic rocks among the basic rocks in the Archaean section range from 52 to 67 %. Homologues to metavolcanites from the Matert Formation are present among the Proterozoic metamagmatites in the SG-3 Archaean section. This has cast some doubt on the conclusion drawn by N.P. Vinogradova and V.V. Melezhik about the allochthonous origin of the upper layers of the North Pechenga section, including its producing horizons. This is of great importance in terms of metallogeny
Printed reference: Skufin P.K., Yakovlev Yu.N. Geological setting and petrological peculiarities of volcanic rocks from the Majarvi, Pirttijarvi and Orshoaivi Formations in the Kola Superdeep Borehole and in the near-surface zone // Vestnik of MSTU. 2007. V. 10, No 2. P. -.
Electronic reference: Skufin P.K., Yakovlev Yu.N. Geological setting and petrological peculiarities of volcanic rocks from the Majarvi, Pirttijarvi and Orshoaivi Formations in the Kola Superdeep Borehole and in the near-surface zone // Vestnik of MSTU. 2007. V. 10, No 2. P. -. URL: