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Naumov V.А., Karavayeva E.V.

The study of the self-catalytic criticality phenomenon of fissile materials in spent nuclear fuel disposal in geological formations in the European North of Russia


Abstract. Results of researches of material composition of technogenic ferriferous waste of JSC Olkon, which help to develop the magnetic-gravitational circuit of their conversion have been given. It has been shown that with decrease of material coarseness the magnetite and hematite maintenance increases and that in joints with ore minerals in large fractions the quartz is in considerable quantity. For disclosing of joints introduction of preliminary ore benefication has been substantiated including use of a rod mill. Basic possibility of receiving saleable iron-ore concentrate with recovery being equal to 63,3 %, and also some quantity of quartziferous product containing over 85 % SiO2 has been proved.

Keywords: geologic repository, granite of the Kola Peninsula, plagiogranite, spent nuclear fuel, fissile materials, critical masses, reactivity, supercriticality, climate change, pore water, rock heating

Printed reference: Naumov V.А., Karavayeva E.V. The study of the self-catalytic criticality phenomenon of fissile materials in spent nuclear fuel disposal in geological formations in the European North of Russia // Vestnik of MSTU. 2009. V. 12, No 4. P. -.

Electronic reference: Naumov V.А., Karavayeva E.V. The study of the self-catalytic criticality phenomenon of fissile materials in spent nuclear fuel disposal in geological formations in the European North of Russia // Vestnik of MSTU. 2009. V. 12, No 4. P. -. URL: http://vestnik.mstu.edu.ru/v12_4_n37/articles/12_naumov.pdf.

(In Russian, p.8, fig. 3, tables 6, ref 8, Adobe PDF)