Vol 20, 2017, 4 No
DOI: 10.21443/1560-9278-2017-20-4
Technical Sciences. Transport. Electrical Engineering.
Dymov I. S., Derevyanko R. E., Kotin D. A.
Automation warning system against driver falling asleep in-traffic
P. 659-664
Ngo G. V., Sakhno K. N.
Calculation determination of compensatory capabilities of pipeline routes of ship systems
P. 665-672
Pashentsev S. V.
Comparative analysis of mathematical models of the ship from the standpoint of controllability of the variances
P. 673-680
Sergeev K. О., Pankratov A. А.
Features of rotary pump diagnostics without dismantling
P. 681-690
Tagiev T. G., Menshikov V. I.
Mechanism of decision selection defined by values of utility function
P. 691-696
Vlasova S. V., Vlasov A. B., Shapochkin P. Yu.
Features of laser diodes' radiation in different temperature intervals
P. 697-704
Hasanova L. H., Mustafayev R. I.
A research technique for the effect of higher harmonic voltages on the operating parameters of a permanent magnet synchronous generator
P. 705-713
Fastiy G. P., Burtsev A. V., Karpov A. S., Yaroshevich V. V., Tokareva E. A.
Analysis of operating conditions of the voltage transformer
P. 714-722
Ivlev M. L., Kuznetsov I. V., Semyonov D. N., Chirtsov A. V.
Use of the virtual instrument technology in complex diagnostics of marine electrical equipment
P. 723-728
Gnatyuk V. S., Morozov N. N.
Method of protection of the electronic equipment from pulse X-ray radiation
P. 729-733
Kuranov Yu. F.
Trends in the development and updating of the fishing fleet in the Northern Basin
P. 734-741
Fadeev А. М., Cherepovitsyn А. Е., Larichkin F. D., Agarkov S. А.
The features of oil & gas complex's strategic management and hydrocarbon products transportation at developing marine oil & gas fields in Arctic
P. 742-754
Kudrin B. I., Kosharnaya Yu. V.
The history of decisions on creation of nuclear and metallurgical complex on the basis of the Kola nuclear power plant
P. 755-760