Vol 23, 2020, 1 No
DOI: 10.21443/1560-9278-2020-23-1
Earth Sciences
Demahin A. Yu.
Study of the structure and seismicity of the near-surface zone of the earth's crust at the White Sea seismogenic zone on the Kola Peninsula
P. 5-12
Zhirova A. M.
Residual magnetization of various genetic rocks and ores of the Kola region under the influence of mechanical oscillations
P. 13-21
Zueva I. A., Lebedev A. A.
Seismic effect of industrial explosions of GOK Kostomuksha
P. 22-28
Kalinin A. A., Savchenko Y. E.
Structures of sulfide melt crystallization as an indication of metamorphism of the ores in the Oleninskoe gold deposit
P. 29-37
Kozlov N. Е. , Sorokhtin N. О., Martynov E. V., Marchuk T. S.
Geodynamics and metallogeny of the Keivy domain (Baltic Shield)
P. 38-45
Nitkina E. A., Kaulina T. V. , Kozlov N. E.
The ages and rock mineral composition of the Pechenga eastern frame, the Kola region
P. 46-56
Glazova V. A., Gaponenkov I. A., Fiodorova O. A., Dauvalter V. A.
Fadeev Stream and spring of the same name: Water quality and geo-ecological characteristics
P. 57-62
Makarov D. V., Borovichev E. A., Klyuchnikova E. M. , Masloboev V. A.
Environmental protection and sustainable development of the mining industry in Murmansk Region, Russia
P. 63-71
Gusak S. A., Orlov A. O., Smirnov Y. G., Biryukov V. V., Palivoda A. A.
Assessment of the efficiency of passive thermal protection system of rock massif
P. 72-79
Slukovskii Z. I.
Background concentrations of heavy metals and other chemical elements in the sediments of small lakes in the south of Karelia, Russia
P. 80-92
Chickiryov I. V., Ulyantsev A. S., Nikiforov S. L., Sorokhtin N. O., Ananiev R. A. , Dmitrevsky N. N., Libina N. V., Kovalev G. A.
Comparative lithological characteristics of modern sediments of the Kara and Pechora Seas
P. 93-101