Vol 23, 2020, 2 No
DOI: 10.21443/1560-9278-2020-23-2
Biological Sciences. Earth Sciences
Vlasenko A. D., Bulgakova T.I., Lepilina I. N., Konopleva I. V., Safaraliev I. A.
History and status of sturgeon stock (Acipenseridae) in the Caspian pool
P. 105-114
Garmash M. V. , Zhuravleva N. G.
Some information on biology of three-spined stickleback Gasterosteus aculeatus Linnaeus, 1758 in the Barents Sea coastal region (East Murman)
P. 115-121
Gorbacheva E. A.
Bottom sediments of the central and eastern parts of the Barents Sea: Ecotoxicological studies
P. 122-130
Zhivoglyadova L. A., Safronova L. M., Shlyakhova N. A., Bondarev S. V., Naletova L. Yu., Afanasyev D. F.
Hydrobiological characteristics of the Don River in the region of the Bagayevsky hydroelectric complex construction
P. 131-138
Kanishcheva О. V., Kanishchev A. А., Shoshina E. V.
The long-term variability of the age structure of cenopopulations of fucus bubble (Fucus vesiculosus L.) within the litoral of the Kola Bay under anthropogenic influence
P. 139-149
Artemiev A. V., Mitrofanova G. V.
The use of anionic flocculant in water treatment for flotation of apatite-nepheline ores
P. 150-159
Zenkova I. V., Shtabrovskaya I. M., Usova D. V.
Soil fauna of cut and burnt forest areas in the Khibiny Mountains
P. 160-172
Marchevskaya V. V., Korneeva U. V.
Correlation between the material constitution components in apatite-nepheline ores of the Khybiny Rock Massif (the Kola Peninsula)
P. 173-181
Mosendz I. A., Kremenetskaya I. P., Drogobuzhskaya S. V., Alekseeva S. A.
Sorption of heavy metals by the filtering containers with serpentine materials
P. 182-189