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Vol 26, 2023, 1 No
DOI: 10.21443/1560-9278-2023-26-1
Earth Sciences. Biological Sciences
Kalinin A. A., Kudryashov N. M., Savchenko Ye. E.
Mal'javr – the first gold prospect in the Archean conglomerates, the Kola region
P. 5-17
Kozlov N. E., Sorokhtin N. O., Marchuk T. S.
Evolution of the Keivy domain in the Precambrian
P. 18-24
Amosov P. V., Baklanov А. А.
Development of a model of atmospheric aerothermodynamics for the study of dusting processes at tailings dumps using COMSOL software
P. 25-44
Vasileva Zh. V., Vasilev A. G., Kirdishova E. A.
Analysis of errors and inaccuracies in the current edition of the GOST R ISO 7730-2009 standard
P. 45-56
Naugolnykh S. V., Linkevich V. V.
New data on Carboniferous plants of the Rostov-on-Don Region (Russia)
P. 57-68
Kopiy V. G.
Taxocene of polychaeta of the Laspi Bay water area (the Crimea, Black Sea)
P. 69-77
Petrov A. N., Nevrova E. L.
Experimental evaluation of toxic resistance of benthic microalgae Thalassiosira excentrica Cleve 1903 (Bacillariophyta) under the copper ions impact
P. 78-87