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Vol 27, 2024, 1 No
DOI: 10.21443/1560-9278-2024-27-1
Earth Sciences
Bobachev A. A., Deshcherevskii A. V., Sidorin A. Ya.
The effect of spacing grid in the precision solution of the inverse vertical electric sounding problem
P. 5-23
Goychuk O. F., Konopleva N. G., Lepekha S. V., Savchenko Ye. E., Panikorovskii T. L.
Atypical components in the composition of nepheline from rocks of the Khibiny massif according to IR spectroscopy data
P. 24-38
Gravis A. G., Ustinova E. V., Ponomareva O. E., Drozdov D. S., Berdnikov N. M., Golubkova Ya. A.
The main results of monitoring the power of the active layer at CALM sites of the Nadymsky object
P. 39-51
Kuzina Z. Ya., Nevedrova N. N., Sanchaa А. M.
Geoelectric model of the exposure of basement rocks to the surface in the Uimon depression of Gorny Altay based on three-dimensional numerical modeling
P. 52-60
Reshetnyak M. Yu.
High thermal conductivity of the Earth's core and geodynamo
P. 61-66
Korolev V. A.
Peculiarities of ecological and geological systems of coarse-clastic soil massifs
P. 67-82
Kochetova Zh. Yu., Lazarev I. S., Zibrova N. V., Bazarsky O. V.
Detailed chemical analysis of soils and identification of priority pollutants on the territory of the state aviation airfield (Krymsk)
P. 83-90
Myazin V. A., Shushkov D. A., Fokina N. V., Chaporgina A. A., Kanivets A. V., Bryantsev A. V.
Effectiveness of biogeosorbents based on mineral carriers for treatment oil-contaminated soil
P. 91-102
Gusak S. A.
Comparative analysis of the application of the Lichtenecker and Lichtenecker – Asaad models for the theoretical assessment of the rocks effective thermal conductivity
P. 103-112