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Tsibizova M. E.

Expansion of assortment of culinary products from the grown fish

DOI: 10.21443/1560-9278-2018-21-3-513-523

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Abstract. The studies have been carried out to expand the range of molded fish culinary products by some technological modification of recipes for complex culinary products and croquettes. The composition of fish complex culinary products and croquettes introduces raw materials and animals' offal, and vegetable components. The main component is carp and minced meat made of it. The prescription compositions of molded culinary products (complex culinary products and croquettes) for the population are substantiated irrespective of their physiological group; a comparative analysis of the chemical composition of the main components – minced carp and chicken, chicken offal – has been carried out, as well as energy and biological value of the component composition. The organoleptic and physicochemical indicators of quality and the chemical composition have been studied; the energy value of prototypes of molded culinary products has been calculated. The proposed formulations allow obtaining products with organoleptic and physicochemical indicators familiar to the consumer. Recipes for croquettes containing chopped chicken meat (50 %), chopped carp meat (30 %) and chicken stomach (5 %) have been recommended. In the recipe for complex culinary products, the filling has been proposed, the main component of which is the mushroom champignons (60 %), and the chicken heart is included in an amount equal to 10 %.

Printed reference: Tsibizova M. E. Expansion of assortment of culinary products from the grown fish // Vestnik of MSTU. 2018. V. 21, No 3. P. 513-523.

Electronic reference: Tsibizova M. E. Expansion of assortment of culinary products from the grown fish // Vestnik of MSTU. 2018. V. 21, No 3. P. 513-523. URL: http://vestnik.mstu.edu.ru//v21_3_n76/15_tsibizova_513-523.pdf.

(In Russian, p.10, tables 6, ref 21, adobe PDF)