Gonchar N. V., Makarov A. B., Guman O. M., Antonova I. A.
Snow survey within the copper ore deposits in the mining regions of the Urals
DOI: 10.21443/1560-9278-2024-27-2-158-169
Abstract. The paper presents the results of studies of dust residues of snow cover within various climatic zones and copper deposits of the Ural region. Snow cover research is one of the methods for environmental assessment of territories. This concerns the study of dust residues from snow cover samples, as shown by the example of the territories of the Northern and Southern Urals at different stages of work on copper deposits. The initial stage of study and development is considered using the example of porphyry copper deposits in the Chelyabinsk region, where snow samples reveal organic matter in dust residues, typical birch seeds, a small amount of minerals at a low dust load (P ? 100 kg/day per km2). For the deposits of the Ivdel region (Northern Urals), the dust residues largely contain organic dust, fragments of ore minerals (pyrite, chalcopyrite) and minerals of volcanic rocks and metasomatic rocks. The maximum value of the dust load is set for the Novo-Shemurskoye deposit currently being developed. A study of dust residues in the zone of influence of the Karabash copper smelter (before its reconstruction) has shown that in some parts of the sanitary protection zone the level of snow cover pollution is very high with dust load values up to 12,633 kg/day per km2, which is determined primarily by the widespread use of crushed copper smelting slag. In general, the study of dust residues of snow cover provides information about both the ecological state of the territories and the mineral composition of the residues, which must be used for practical purposes.
Printed reference: Snow survey within the copper ore deposits in the mining regions of the Urals / N. Gonchar, A. Makarov, O. Guman, I. Antonova // Vestnik of MSTU. 2024. V. 27, No 2. P. 158-169.
Electronic reference: Snow survey within the copper ore deposits in the mining regions of the Urals / N. Gonchar, A. Makarov, O. Guman, I. Antonova // Vestnik of MSTU. 2024. V. 27, No 2. P. 158-169. URL: