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Gribkova V. A., Semenov E. V., Slavyanskiy A. A., Mitroshina D. P.

The process of sucrose crystallization in the supersaturated solution

DOI: 10.21443/1560-9278-2024-27-2-184-192


Abstract. Crystallization processes of the solid phase in supersaturated solutions of products of plant origin are used in processing technologies. The theory of diffusion (molecular) mass transfer of the target substance has become widespread when solving problems of technology improvement. The driving force of this process is the difference in the concentration of the solid phase in the solution towards the crystallization center, where the concentration of the solid phase is reduced. During the analytical and quantitative study of the process of solid phase deposition in the crystallization center, Fick's diffusion laws have been used. The influence of solution temperature, concentration of the solid phase, its geometry and dispersed composition on the course of this process have been considered. Based on a diffusion model of the process of crystal formation of sucrose in a vacuum apparatus, a numerical analysis of factors in sugar production technology not covered in the literature has been presented. The problem of quantitative analysis of the process of sucrose crystallization in the working volume of a vacuum apparatus for the production of sugar and other products of plant origin of high commercial standards requires further in-depth study.

Printed reference: The process of sucrose crystallization in the supersaturated solution / V. Gribkova, E. Semenov, A. Slavyanskiy, D. Mitroshina // Vestnik of MSTU. 2024. V. 27, No 2. P. 184-192.

Electronic reference: The process of sucrose crystallization in the supersaturated solution / V. Gribkova, E. Semenov, A. Slavyanskiy, D. Mitroshina // Vestnik of MSTU. 2024. V. 27, No 2. P. 184-192. URL: http://vestnik.mstu.edu.ru/v27_2_n99/06_Gribkova_184-192.pdf.

(In Russian, p.9, fig. 4, ref 18, AdobePDF)