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Lobosova L. A., Malyutina T. N., Zheltoukhova E. Yu., Feofanova T. M., Volkova V. O.

Technology for the production of oatmeal cookies using non-traditional plant raw materials

DOI: 10.21443/1560-9278-2024-27-3-361-372


Abstract. Modern trend in the food industry is the development of technology for healthy food products with increased nutritional value and enriched with new types of vegetable raw materials. Oatmeal cookies are popular among different groups of people. The purpose of the study is to develop a technology for producing oatmeal cookies by replacing premium wheat flour with spelled flour, and raisins with dried cranberries and Japanese persimmons. The choice of enrichment agents is justified. The recipe for the "Oatmeal New" cookie was taken as a control sample. We replaced premium wheat flour with spelled flour in a ratio of 70 : 30; 50 : 50; 30 : 70; 0 : 100. Persimmon has replaced 30 % of white sugar. The sample with full replacement of wheat flour with spelled flour is recognized as the best. A recipe for "Sweet Morning" oatmeal cookies has been developed. Organoleptic and physicochemical quality indicators of oatmeal cookies have been determined. The antioxidant activity of cookies of the new composition is 0.28 mg of quercetin/100 g of product, which is higher than in the control sample by 0.05 mg of quercetin/100 g of product. The nutritional and energy value of the products has been calculated. Oatmeal cookies "Sweet Morning" exceed the control sample in protein content by 1.2 times, dietary fiber by 2 times, vitamin В1 – 1,2, В5 – 2,3, В9 – 1.24, vitamin C – 5.8, PP – 1.3, K – 6.3, β-carotene – 1.5; minerals K – 1.9, Ca – 1.6, Mg – 1.8, P – 1.8; and microelements: Fe – 1.4, Zn – 2.5, Cu – 2.7, Se – 1.5, Mn – by 2.5 times. The energy value of the new product is 40 kcal (167 kJ) lower compared to the control one. "Sweet Morning" oatmeal cookies is recommended for people focused on maintaining a healthy lifestyle and a balanced diet.

Printed reference: Technology for the production of oatmeal cookies using non-traditional plant raw materials / L. Lobosova, T. Malyutina, E. Zheltoukhova, T. Feofanova, V. Volkova // Vestnik of MSTU. 2024. V. 27, No 3. P. 361-372.

Electronic reference: Technology for the production of oatmeal cookies using non-traditional plant raw materials / L. Lobosova, T. Malyutina, E. Zheltoukhova, T. Feofanova, V. Volkova // Vestnik of MSTU. 2024. V. 27, No 3. P. 361-372. URL: http://vestnik.mstu.edu.ru/v27_3_n100/08_Lobosova_361-372.pdf.

(In Russian, p.12, fig. 6, tables 5, ref 22, AdobePDF)