Vol 19, 2016, 1 No, Part 2
DOI: 10.21443/1560-9278-2016-1/2
Earth Sciences
Denisov D. B., Val'kova S. A., Kashulin N. A.
Ecological peculiarities of periphyton and zoobenthos of freshwater ecosystems of the Khibiny massif (the Kola Peninsula)
Zakharenko V. S., Shlykova V. A., Radchenko M. S.
Role of the endogenous component in formation of hydrocarbons in the "continent – ocean" transition zone of the Spitsbergen-Barents continental margin
Kashulina G. M., Kubrak A. N., Baskova L. A., Korobeinikova N. M.
Influence of prolonged extreme pollution
from the "Severonikel" industrial complex on the content
of available for plants forms of P, K, Ca and Mg in podzols
Kashulina T. G., Kashulin N. A., Dauvalter V. A.
The long-term dynamics of hydrochemical indices of low-mineralized subarctic lakes in reducing the acid load
Ladik A. S., Masloboev A. V.
Development of automated information system for domestic waste logistics management (by the example of Apatity town)
Myazin V. A., Redkina V. V.
The impact of soil contamination by oil products on the growth of Secale cereale L. and prospects for its use in phytoremediation
Volkov М. А.
Auroral turbulence of the ionospheric convection
Gnatyuk V. S., Morozov N. N.
Physical bases of conductivity of strongly ionized air
Larchenko A. V., Pilgaev S. V., Fedorenko Yu. V.
Results of ground-based observations of the field structure in the range of very low frequencies with a strong modification of the ionosphere by a modulated short-wave radiation
Lebed O. M., Fedorenko Yu. V., Larchenko A. V.
Influence of the solar flares in March 2012
on the conductivity profile of the high-latitude lower ionosphere
Vodop'yanova V. V., Makarevich P. R.
Photosynthetic pigments in phytoplankton living in high latitudes under conditions of the polar night
Dikaeva D. R., Frolova E. A., Vyaznikova V. S.
Distribution and dynamics of Polychaeta communities at the Kola Transect (the Barents Sea)
Il'in G. V., Moiseev D. V., Shirokolobov D. V., Deryabin A. A., Pavlova L. G.
Long-term dynamics of hydrological conditions of the Zelenetskaya Bay, East Murman
Ishkulova T. G., Ishkulov D. G.
Hydrochemical researches in the Pechora Sea, July 2002
Kapkov V. I., Shoshina E. V., Belenikina O. A.
Bioremediation of marine coastal ecosystems:Using artificial reefs
Malavenda S. S.
Dynamics of biomass and population density of fucus algae of the Kola Bay, Barents Sea
Moiseev D. V., Dukhno G. N.
Development of thematic sections of the "Ecology and management of natural resources", "Marine biology", "Pollution" of the Electronic
Marine Atlas ESIMO on the Arctic seas of the Russian Federation
Nikolaev A. M., Alekseev M. Yu.
Dynamics of feeding of 1+ hatchery-reared Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) stocked into a tributary of the Kola River
Tret'yakov I. S., Kovalev Yu. A.
Using the Schaefer production model for assessment of the Barents Sea Greenland halibut
Tyukina O. S., Kudelya Ya. S.
Biodiversity of phytoplankton communities of the Barents Sea
in the summer of 2013
Shoshina E. V., Kapkov V. I., Belenikina O. A.
Ecological factors regulating growth of seaweeds in Arctic communities
Yakovlev A. P., Mikhailyuk A. L., Grigor'ev V. F.
Evaluation of changes in the behavior of the grey seal exposed to the electromagnetic field
of extremely low frequencies (0.01–36 Hz)