Vol 21, 2018, 4 No
DOI: 10.21443/1560-9278-2018-21-4
Technical Sciences. Transport. Electrical Engineering
Yakunina N. V., Nesterenko D. Kh., Arslanov M. A.
Factor analysis of ways to activate using the urban passenger motor transport
P. 533-540
Viviorra S. I., Pen'kovskaya K. V., Men'shikov V. I.
Classification of navigational and fishing situations by the ship's specialist
P. 541-547
Glushkov S. V., Mazhirin I. A., Tyulkanov A. K.
Mathematical model of ships moving with a nonstandard propulsion and steering complex
P. 548-557
Moninets S. Yu., Bazhenova A. I.
The safety of navigation in difficult climatic conditions: Forecasting of risks
P. 558-565
Pashentsev S. V.
Modelling cyclic reverse movements of the vessel using modified Lammeren's curves of screw action
P. 566-576
Pashentsev S. V.
Managing the process of tanker towing by regulating the cable tension
P. 577-586
Sergeev K. О., Pankratov A. А.
Fishing vessels' rolling bearings reducers of diesel-reducer units: The diagnostics' results
P. 587-595
Kolobov V. V., Barannik M. B., Selivanov V. N.
A pulse generator with inductive energy storage for measuring the grounding resistance of transmission line towers
P. 596-606
Selivanov V. N., Barannik M. B., Bilin V. A., Efimov B. V., Kolobov V. V., Sakharov Ya. A.
Analysis of long-term monitoring of autotransformer neutral currents
P. 607-615
Kuklin D. V.
Calculation of errors in the finite difference time domain method when modeling thin wires separated by a single cell of the computational grid
P. 616-624
Popov I. P.
Influence of frequency on the synchronous electrical machine parameters
P. 625-631
Vlasov A. B.
Method for determining the quality of cable inlets sealant using infrared thermography
P. 632-637