Vol 22, 2019, 1 No
DOI: 10.21443/1560-9278-2019-22-1
Earth Sciences
Erokhin Yu. V., Ivanov K. S., Khiller V. V.
The inclusion of grothite in the zircon from granitoids of the crystalline basement of the Southern Yamal Peninsula
P. 5-11
Kaulina T. V., Lyalina L. M., Il'chenko V. L.
Sequence of REE-Th-U minerals in the Litsa uranium ore area (the Kola Region)
P. 12-22
Koval A. V., Bogachev V. A., Petrov S. V.
Ore mineralization of gold-uranium occurrences Ozernoe and Lagernoe (Kuolayarvi structure, North Karelia)
P. 23-35
Sorokhtin N. O., Kozlov N. E., Kalatchev V. Yu.
The first find of diamond on the Sredny and Rybachy Peninsulas in the north-eastern Baltic Shield
P. 36-47
Terekhov E. N., Morozov Yu. A., Smolkin V. F., Bayanova T. B., Serov P. A., Shcherbakova T. F., Smulskaya A. I.
Features of dike magmatism in the Northern frame of the Pechenga structure
P. 48-63
Bazarsky O. V., Kochetova Zh. Yu.
Model of evaporation of kerosene droplets in the atmosphere and pollution of soil around the airfield
P. 64-71
Vasilieva Zh. V., Gorbovskaya T. D., Pavlov A. V.
Recultivation of oil contaminated soil using organic wastes in the Kola North conditions
P. 72-82
Ershov V. V., Isaeva L. G., Polikarpova N. V.
The content of heavy metals in atmospheric deposition in the Pasvik State Nature Reserve vicinity
P. 83-89
Myazin V. A.
The dynamic of some biogenic elements content in the soil during remediation of oil contaminated sites
P. 90-100
Fokina N. V.
Prospects for using various modifications sorbents in the natural environments purification from oil products in the Kola North conditions
P. 101-108
Andronov G. P., Filimonova N. M., Khokhulya M. S.
Magnetic separation of titanium-containing minerals
P. 109-119
Belogorodtsev O. V., Khomkin E. E.
Industrial development of near-open pit reserves based on multivariate analysis and computer modelling of geotechnology objects
P. 120-128
Kalashnik A. I., Dyakov A. Yu.
Evaluation of rock disturbance by GPR sensing using water saturation for contrast
P. 129-137
Kozyrev A. A., Kasparyan E. V., Fedotova Yu. V., Kuznetcov N. N.
Estimating the rockburst hazard of hard rocks based on laboratory test results
P. 138-148
Laptev V. V.
Numerical modelling of fragmented mined rock flow during ore drawing using the ROCKY DEM programme
P. 149-157
Lovchikov A. V., Zemtzovsky A. V.
Rockburst prevention in deep ore pillars by forming relieve slots (for the Lovozero raremetal deposit)
P. 158-166
Dauvalter V. A.
Lakes hydrochemistry in the zone of influence of iron-mining industry waste waters
P. 167-176
Zemtsova E. S., Alimova G. S., Tokareva A. Yu.
Chemical and environmental assessment of the bottom sediments in the Irtysh River (Tyumen Region, Russian Federation)
P. 177-187
Novikov M. A., Titov O. V., Zhilin A. Yu.
Metal content in bottom sediments of the central part of the Pechora Sea in the current period
P. 188-198
Ul'yantsev A. S., Chickiryov I. V., Nikiforov S. L., Sorokhtin N. O., Melousov A. А., Ananiev R. A., Dmitrevsky N. N., Libina N. V.
Lithological characteristics of the modern sediments of the Pechora Sea
P. 199-206