Vol 23, 2020, 3 No
DOI: 10.21443/1560-9278-2020-23-3
Technical Sciences. Food technology
Kameneva K. S., Shcheveva K. V., Naumova N. L.
The use of flour from flax seeds in the production of cake of high nutritional value
P. 195-204
Linovskaya N. V., Mazukabzova E. V., Rudenko O. S., Savenkova T. V.
Justification of unconventional protein-containing raw materials for the construction of milk chocolate formulas with increased biological value
P. 205-213
Yurova E. A., Zhizhin N. A., Filchakova S. A.
Molecular genetic methods of analysis to identify the species affiliation of the raw material composition in food products
P. 214-223
Verbytskyi S. B. , Kopylova Y. V., Patsera N. N.
Design, calculation and use of the multipurpose vacuum ground meat mixer
P. 224-236
Aleksanian I. Yu., Nugmanov A. H.-H., YartsevaN. V., Feklunova J. S.
Determination of thermophysical characteristics and viscous properties of minced raw materials from pond carp
P. 237-249
Donskaya G. A.
Curd paste for calcium metabolism correction
P. 250-259
Efremova A. A., Lyulkovich V. S., Naumova N. L.
Optimization of fatty acid composition of cottage cheese bagel
P. 260-267
Misteneva S. Yu., Savenkova T. V., Demchenko E. A., Shcherbakova N. A., Gerasimov T. V.
Effect of functional and technological properties of vegetable shortenings on qualitative characteristics of biscuit
P. 268-279
Radaeva I. A., Kruchinin A. G., Turovskaya S. N., Illarionova E. E., Bigaeva A. V.
Forming technological traits of dry milk
P. 280-290
Fedyanina N. I., Karastoyanova O. V., N. V. Korovkina, Shishkina N. S.
The texture changing of fresh champignons under the influence of processing by accelerated electrons during the refrigeration storage
P. 291-301
Shokina Y. V., Kuchina Yu. A., Novozhilov M. P., Popov M. М., Shokin G. О.
Study of rheological properties of gels based on Thorny Skate cartilage broth (Raja radiata) in the technology of natural fish culinary products –aspic fish, in jelly, fish jellies and potions
P. 302-312