Vol 20, 2017, 1 No, Part 1
DOI: 10.21443/1560-9278-2017-20-1/1
Earth Sciences
Kozyrev S. A., Amosov P. V.
Estimation of aeration time in blind excavations: Methodological approach based on 3D numerical modeling
P. 5-12
Mel'nikov N. N., Kalashnik A. I., Kalashnik N. A., Zaporozhets D. V.
The use of modern methods for complex studies of the hydrotechnical structures of the Barents Sea region
P. 13_20
Mel'nikov N. N., Gusak S. A., Naumov V. A.
Reactor units for power supply to the Russian Arctic regions: Priority assessment of nuclear energy sources
P. 21-30
Rybin V. V., Savchenko S. N.
Reconstruction of orientation of stresses acting in infinity
within the Kovdor ore body based on field determinations
P. 31-37
Derkach S. R., Berestova G. I., Novikov V. Yu.,Kolotova D. S., Brichka K. M., Simonsen G
Chemical composition of Pechora Sea crude oil
P. 38-47
Yevzerov V. Ya.
Lithology of the Late Valdaian glacial moraine in the western part of the Kola Peninsula
P. 48-59
Kalinin A. A., Savchenko Ye. E.
Bismuth-silver mineralization in the Sergozerskoe gold occurrence
P. 60-71
Kaulina T. V., Nerovich L. I., Bocharov V. N., Lyalina L. M., Il'chenko V. L., Kunakkuzin E. L., Kasatkin I. A.
Raman spectra of impact zircons in the Jarva-varaka layered massif
(the Monchegorsk ore region, the Kola Peninsula)
P. 72-82
Kozlov N. E., Fomina E. N., Martynov E. V., Sorokhtin N. O., Marchuk T. S.
On reasons of specific composition of the Keivy domain rocks (the Kola Peninsula)
P. 83-94
Kompanchenko A. A., Voloshin A. V., Sidorov M. Yu.
Minerals of Fe in the oxidation zone of massive sulfide ore
in the South Pechenga structure zone, Kola region: Identification by the Raman spectroscopy
P. 95-103
Korotaev B. A., Vasyokha V. M., Onufrik A. M.
Reservoir pressure evolution model during exploration drilling
P. 104-110
Sorokhtin N. O., Lobkovsky L. I., Kozlov N. E.
Metallogeny of subduction zones
P. 111-128
Fomina E. N., Kozlov E. N., Lokhova O. V., Lokhov K. I.
Graphite as an indicator of contact influence of Western Keivy
alkaline granite intrusion, the Kola Peninsula
P. 129-139
Chickiryov I. V., Voytekhovsky Yu. L.
Ti-Zr placer mineralization in 1eoproterozoic (Upper Riphean) rocks
of Kildin Formation and in contemporary beach sands of Sredny
and Rybachy Peninsulas, Kola Region
P. 140-150