Vol 22, 2019, 3 No
DOI: 10.21443/1560-9278-2019-22-3
Technical Sciences. Food technology
Voblikova T. V.
Viability of the culture of Bifidobacterium bifidum immobilized by microencapsulation in dairy drink and the simulated gastrointestinal liquids
P. 305-313
Daurtseva A. V., Obluchinskaya E. D.
The stability of pigments in the thalli and extracts of the Barents Sea fucus algae
P. 314-321
Makarova N. V., N. B. Eremeeva N. B., Ignatova D. F.
Effect of extraction technology on antioxidant activity of black chokeberry Aronia melanocarpa, cranberries Vaccinium vitis-idae, blueberries Vaccinium myrtillus, raspberries Rubus idaeus
P. 322-330
Pozdnyakova O. G., Belavina G. A., Avstrievskih A. N., Poznyakovsky V. M.
Biologically active plant-based complex: Production technology, quality indicators, functional properties
P. 331-337
Brazhnaya I. E., Tifanyuk A. V., Mikhaylovskaya A. V.,Sudak S. N., Kulik O. M.
The use of ultraviolet bactericidal radiation in the technology of manufacturing fish minced semi-finished products from low-profitable raw materials of the Northern Basin
P. 338-348
Vasyukova А. Т., Bogonosova I. A., Novozhilov M. P.
Development of preventive vegetable products with protein fortifiers
P. 349-355
Volchenko V. I., Dvoryankina K. V., KovalyovaO. S., Plavunov R. I.
Developing the technology of culinary production based on using unconventional fish fatty raw material
P. 356-362
Soldatova E. A., Misteneva S. Yu., Savenkova T. V.
Methods of optimizing technologies and recipe of oatmeal cookies
P. 363-370
Golubeva O. A., Grekov E. O., Titova S. A.
Extrusion in the production technologies of North Basin cartilage fish
P. 371-378
Paramonova V. A., Kudryavtsev V. N.
Drying processes of pumpkin candied fruits in the microwave field: Studying the oscillating mode of energy supply
P. 379-385
Pokintelitsa N. I., Levchenko E. A.
Improving the process of grinding food products
P. 386-394
Shorstkii I. A., Khudyakov D. A.
Sunflower mesh rheological properties analysis during pressing with varying temperature, pressure and oil content
P. 395-403
Linovskaya N. V., Mazukabzova E. V., Kondratyev N. B., Krylova E. N.
The study of the technological adequacy of raw materials used in the production of chocolate semi-finished product
P. 404-412
Litvinenko O. V., Korneva N. Yu.
Prospects for using new soybean varieties breeding by All-Russian SRI of Soybean in the production of a soy-chocolate drink
P. 413-420
Voitleva Z. A.
The development of multi-structure in agriculture: A regional aspect
P. 421-431
Uskova I. V., Poteshkina V. A., Kalinchuk K. A.
Comprehensive monitoring of the bacterial plankton fish farm of the Tuloma River and the intestinal enteric microbiota cultivated in trout cages
P. 432-440
Chimitdorzhieva G. D., Zhamsaranova S. D., Bazhenova B. A.
The fractionation of 13С in the Тransbaikalia ecosystem
P. 441-448
Fazullina O. F., Smirnov S. O.
The use of plant enriching additives in the production of pasta: Literature review
P. 449-457