Vol 13, 2010, 4 No
Natural and Engineering Sciences (Special Issue)
Ershov A.M.
Time of youth (on the 60th anniversary of MSTU)
Makarevich P.R., Ishkulov D.G.
Structure and species diversity of pelagic and bottom-dwelling biocenoses of the Barents Sea in conditions of changing climate
Lubin P.A., Anisimova N.A., Manushin I.E., Zhuravlyova N.E.
By-catch of macrozoobenthos in ichthyological bottom trawling as index of trawling intensity
Matishov G.G., Berestovsky E.G., Martynov V.G., Balykin P.A.
Perspective methods of conservation of population diversity of anadromous salmon fish in northern and far-eastern regions of Russia
Kozyrenko E.A., Ottesen O., Amin A.
Peculiarities of distribution and chemical structure of mucous cells in the epidermis of Atlantic cod, Gadus morhua L.
Nekhaev I.O.
Life forms of freshwater Gastropoda at the north part of the Kola Peninsula
Fatychov Ju.A., Suslov A.A., Magharov A.V.
Technology of food addition from fish bone: Results of research
Ershov A.M., Bestughev A.S., Fatychov Ju.A., Balashov S.O.
Research of mass-transfer processes at combined dry salting of fish
Alloyarov K.B., Shokina Yu.V., Korobitsyn A.A.
Application expansion of mathematical model of fuel pyrolysis in IR smoke generator of improved productivity
Vasil'ev A.M., Kuranov Yu.F.
Problems of development of biological resources of Arctic seas
Chernov A.S., Khatsenko E.S.
Stability of enterprises of bio-resource sphere in the conditions of crisis
Pauze Yu.
Innovation catching technologies
Solov'yov A.A., Shugay S.N.
Application of proportional navigation method for aim trawling of mobile fish congestion
Skorokhodov D.A., Borisova L.F., Borisov Z.D.
Principles and categories of navigation safety guaranteeing
Sorokhtin N.O., Kozlov N.E., Glaznev V.N., Chikiryov I.V.
Oil-and-gas content potential of western part of the Arctic shelf of Russia and forecast search criteria hydrocarbon raw materials in the coastal zone of the Kola Peninsula
Voevodkin D.A.
On problem of efficient use of associated petroleum gas resources of the northern part of Timano-Pechora province
Tanygina T.N., Krylov R.A.
The oil-maternal formations of Upper Jurastic deposits of the South-Barents syneclise
Papusha A.N.
Design solutions for marine oil and gas technologies of hydrocarbon fields development in Arctic
Papusha A.N., Gudmestad Ove T., Shishko A.L.
Technical solutions for multi-component gas transportation from Shtockman Field by submarine pipeline
Derkach S.R., Berestova G.I., Motylyova T.A.
Use of surface-active reagents for stimulation of oil production at the original and secondary opening of layers
Sereda A.-V.I.
Effective approach to numerical modeling of natural dynamic systems' characteristics
Khudyakova A.A., Gubaydullin M.G., Konyuhov A.V.
Model of active layer permafrost with ice cracks and improvement of calculation of soil bases' intense-deformed condition
Mazukhina S.I., Masloboev V.A., Chudnenko K.V., Bychinsky V.A., Svetlov A.V.
Natural surface and underground water formation conditions in the Kola North (an example of the Khibiny Massif)