Vol 10, 2007, 3 No
Philosophical Sciences
Baranov N.A.
Freedom as an element of political development of Russia
Borzova E.P., Ageev A.Yu.
Influence of scholastic antitrinitarist views of Miguel Servet on medieval Spanish culture
Valts L.L.
On the problem of estrangement in Russian existential philosophy (N. Berdyaev, L. Shestov)
Golov A.G.
Local history movement in Karelia and the Kola North in 1920-30s: Setting the problem
Gruzdeva O.V.
Political reform – evolution or revolution?
Dudnik S.I., Pruel N.A.
On educational accumulation in the system of human reproduction
Zabelina N.N.
On the role of science as a factor of historical progress in the views of D.I. Pisarev
Kassirov A.G.
Philosophical views of P.A. Kropotkin on the unity of nature and society
Malyshko A.A.
The philosophical aspects of distance education
Machkarina O.D.
Neokantianism in Russia in the first quarter of the XX century (A.I. Vvedensky, P.B. Struve)
Melikh Yu.B.
L.P. Karsavin. To the 125th anniversary.
Mironov V.V.
Philosophy as metaphysics
Nikolaeva T.A.
Philosophical views of N.I. Novikov
Perov Yu.V.
The historical measurement of philosophy of culture
Ryabev V.V.
The Russian state and formation of civil society and political culture of public spirit
Serbinenko V.V.
On modern research problems of history of Russian philosophy
Tatarovskaya I.G.
On the image of the Universe in African mythology
Toltov V.M.
On problems of modern education and possible ways of their solution
Kha'rullin I.I.
Language as a social phenomenon in works of W. Gumboldt and A.A. Potebnya
Shatina A.B.
On the philosophical essence of right development
Shingarov G.H.
Cognitive and methodological basis of physiology in works of I.P. Pavlov
Turchaninova T.V., Khrapov V.E.
On role of a state in economic and social development of a society
Khrapov V.E., Turchaninova T.V.
State regulation of natural resource use in economics of foreign countries
Baranov M.V.
Philosophical and historical views of V.O. Klyuchevsky
Grebeshev I.V.
On basic tendencies of Russian personalizm