Vol 10, 2007, 4 No
Natural and Engineering Sciences
Amosov P.V., Naumov A.V., Novozhilova N.V.
On diffusion transfer of long-lived radionuclides in engineered barriers of an underground spent fuel and radioactive waste disposal facility
Amosov P.V.
The analysis of the probabilistic scenario "Pumping well"
Veselov A.E., Nevretdinov Yu.M., Nekludov Yu.V., Karpov A.S., Yaroshevich V.V., Tokareva E.A., Senyushina L.V.
The analysis of influences of asymmetrical modes on operating conditions of hydrogenerators of the Niva HPS chain
Veselov A.E., Nevretdinov Yu.M., Yaroshevich V.V., Kabeev I.E., Fastiy G.P., Tokareva E.A.
Development of technical measures on compensation of short circuit capacitor currents on the ground and on restriction overvoltages in industrial distributive network systems
Nemychenkov A.V., Pimoshenko A.P., Shabanov V.G.
Research of the strain-deformed state of a bimetallic cylinder liner by the shell method
Zhivodyorov A.A.
The algorithm of management of electric energy demand
Vashchenko I.P.
On structure and characteristics of low-carbon low-alloy steel
Krivenko O.I.
On the possibility of capturing the transmitter's initial phase by a rugged oscillator in a simulation model
Podobed V.A.
On operation of portal cranes "Ganc" and "Kirovets" over passport values
Gil'miyarov E.B., Tsvetkov V.V.
Specialized marine power plants
Golubev B.V., Kobylyansky I.G., Shutov A.V., Dolmatova E.V.
On economic benefit of introduction of a new method of temperature tests and tests for thawing of cases – show-windows in different commercial establishments
Borisova L.F.
On the method of information-graphic imaging of networks' topologies for transport problem
Anisimov A.A., Men'shikov V.I., Sarlaev V.Ya.
The evolution of ship key operation states in organizational and technical system of watch
Anisimov A.N., Men'shikov V.I., Dessalen F.M.
The model of multiparameter control of state of ship safety operation and its structural analysis
Sarlaev V.Ya., Men'shikov V.I., Kuz'minykh I.S.
The adequacy of resources and control actions in the structures of ship safety operation
Men'shikov V.I., Desallen F.M.
On conditions of quasitransitiveness of security measures for a quantity of situations forming a ship key operation
Men'shikov V.I., Pen'kovskaya K.V., Solyanin A.V.
Survivability of socio-technical systems providing management of state of ship safety operation
Devyatkin P.N.
Separation of nickel and copper in solutions
Devyatkin P.N.
Extraction of cerium by naphthenic acids
Maslov A.A., Avsaragov Kh.B.
Treating of radioactive effluents by sorbents using minerals of the Kola region in static states
Novikov V.Yu., Chebotok E.N., Konovalova I.N.
Kinetics of alkaline hydrolysis of N-acetylglucosamine and D-glucosamine
Kuchina Yu.A., Shoshina E.V., Dubrovin S.Yu., Putintsev N.M., Konovalova I.N., Vasilevsky P.B.
The electrochemical method of enzymatic protein hydrolysates' production out of hydrobionts used for microbiological nutrient media
Tashkevich S.N., Brazhnaya I.E.
The technology of preserves production out of blanched semi-processed squid
Tashkevich S.N., Brazhnaya I.E.
On the technology of production of paste-like preserves out of low-aging fishery objects of the North basin
Papusha A.N., Pokholchenko V.A., Ershov A.M., Ershov M.A., Prygunov A.I.
On working out of a universal smoking-drying stove and calculation methods of heat and mass processes
Ershov A.M., Maslov A.A., Ponomarenko D.A., Shokina Yu.V., Obukhov A.Yu., Korobitsyn A.A.
On the optimum performance of the IR smoke generator of the second generation
Ershov A.M., Shokina Yu.V., Bespalova V.V., Kirilyuk O.A., Papusha A.N., Grokhovsky V.A., Belokopytova E.E.
On technology of delicious low-salted fish products using the smoking matter obtained on the basis of the smoke medium worked out by the IR smoke generator
Shokina Yu.V., Kirilyuk O.A., Zotova K.V., Putintsev N.M., Belokopytova E.E.
On optimization of storage conditions of new brands of half-smoked fish produced using the smoke medium worked out by the IR smoke generator
Ershov A.M.
Marine energy and economic development of Russia
Prygunov A.I.
On outlooks of the regional economy in the North-west of Russia