Vol 11, 2008, 2 No
Social and Economic Sciences
Baranov S.V., Skuf'ina T.P.
New techniques and results of research of inter-regional differentiation on the basis of the principal components method
Butusova E.A., Prygunov A.I.
On new researching methods of analysing figures of regional economy
Masloboev A.V.
The method of integrated generation and evaluation of regional innovation structures effectiveness
Senetskaya L.B.,
On bankruptcy diagnostics
Skotarenko O.V.
Economic system and its sensitivity
Smirnova K.A.
On conception of uncertainty of economic systems and approaches to its valuation
Ershov A.M.
Shipbuilding in Russia: Competitiveness and prospects
Pavlov K.V.
Regional peculiarities of development of Russian business undertakings
Buch O.V.
On process approach to management of organization: Outsoursing of business processes
Smirnova N.V.
On the process approach to modelling of management and production
Marchenko I.S.
Modelling of business-processes for enterprises of the food-processing industry
Sobakareva A.V.
The process approach and problems of its application
Straty G.I.
Principles of integration of oil-and-gas industry suppliers
Tripolsky E.N.
Tripolsky E.N., On ranking assessment of management tools
Mikhailov M.Yu.
The system of quality management as part of the planning mechanism
Savel'eva S.B., Savel'ev A.N.
On the essence of strategic planning of regional economic systems' development
Tsukerman V.A., Berezikov S.A.
On the analysis of dynamics of technological development of the Murmansk region
Kuznetsova E.S.
On attraction of investment resources as part of active industrial policy in the Murmansk region
Elizarova I.N.
Organizational and methodical questions of risk estimation and insurance in an industrial enterprise
Simachova L.N.
Self-insurance and insurance as methods of preliminary financing of risks of fish industry
Katunin V.A.
Private property and basic economic relation of capitalist economy
Tepman F.A.
On strategy of railway transport services in the North-Western region
Drozhdinina A.I.
Energy saving is an instrument of energy strategy of Russia
Drozhdinina A.I., Getmanov V.V.
On the role of Russia in ensuring the global energy safety
Isabekova O.A.
On investment policy of the fuel and energy complex
Busyrev V.M., Churkin O.E.
On estimation of efficiency of deposits' development project
Golubev B.V., Kobylaynsky I.G., Shutov A.V.
On results of timekeeping of opening-closing of cases – show-windows in the "Nord-West FК" shop
Tropin B.L., Kuzminykh A.S., Men'shikov V.I.
On the integrity of ship operation systems of a company with minimization of resources' redundancy