Vol 2, 1999, 1 No
Philosophical Sciences
Sokhranyaeva T.V.
Future of culture in the theoretical heritage of P.A.Sorokin
Monastyrskaya I.A.
Problems of formation and development of "a slavic type" person in historic and cultural process
Tuchkova T.V.
N.A.Berdyaev about Russian national character
Lutonina S.G.
Russian philosophy in the system of world culture
Ryabinina T.V.
Dialectics of love and freedom in erotic philosophy of N.A.Berdyaev
Savel'eva I.Yu.
Formation of Pisarev's views on history and philosophy
Pavlov S.I.
The doctrine of A.I.Herzen on formations, or conditions of mankind
Glukhikh Ya.A.
Liberalism as a political direction in second half ХIХ - beginning ХХ centuries
Matchkarina O.D.
The concept of the person in Russian and German philosophy of the end of the ХIХth – the beginning of the ХХth centuries (comparative analysis)
Dudina I.A.
The concept of essence of the person in philosophy of I.A.Il’in
Dolgodvorov V.A.
Problem of active essence of the person
Lukichova I.A.
Problematics of artificial in social philosophy of J.Lock
Mararitsa V.F., Okoneshnikov P.N.
Social systems and the metasystematic approach
Maslova Е.V.
Historical-philosophical aspect of co-evolution concept
Perov Yu.V.
М.Weber understanding of metaphysical background of "thinking in values"
Basin A.A.
Evolution of "legal world outlook" in social philosophy of New time
Pivovarov V.G., Nikonov O.A.
Methodological aspects of Lorentz transformations choosing of length and time standards
Zabelina N.N.
Anthropology as basis of educational philosophy
Vlasova S.V.
Humanistic senses of science and humanization of scientific education
Martynenko O.V.
Psychology of gifted children. From experience of work with pupils of Murmansk Polytechnical Lyceum
Pustovachenko N.N.
Control and estimation of results of training to computer science at school
Volchenko I.O., Ezhova N.M.
Research of knowledge mastering processes of high school students