Vol 16, 2013, 4 No
Natural and Engineering Sciences
Alloyarova Yu.V., Nikolaenko O.A., Kuranova L.K., Semyonov B.N.
Use of capelin for producing cans from cold smoked raw material and quality evaluation of final product
Amosov P.V., Novozhilova N.V.
Analytical evaluation of thermal impact of low-power inground nuclear plant module on permafrost rocks
Asming V.E., Vinogradov Yu.A., Prokudina A.V.
Modeling of seismic location in three-dimensional media
Blazheev A.Yu., Klyuchko D.V., Men'shikov V.I.
Pilotage mechanisms and their invisibility at navigating in constrained waters
Bogatikov V.N., Maslov A.A., Vlasov A.V., Kaychenov A.V., Piskaryova A.D.
Development of industrial systems condition estimation technology based on a safety factor and decision making of motivated systems behavior
Vlasov A.B., Buev S.A.
Analysis of reliability of electrical equipment of North-West fishery companies' ships
Vlasov A.B., Buev S.A.
Estimation of indicators of ship electrical equipment reliability, influence on the marine safety and probability of insurance risks
Gaponenkov I.A., Fyodorova O.A.
Microwave treatment of wastewater sludge of food production
Grokhovskiy V.A., Ershov A.M., Glazunov Yu.T., Shokina Yu.V., Bespalova V.V.
Developing technology of light-salted fish with smoking aroma using the liquid smoke "Skwama-2"
Dorozhko V.M.
The maximum of dynamic load of extreme waves on hull and elements of ship design in the deep sea
Ermakov S.V.
Analysis of the system "navigator in the situation"
Zhitnyak M.S., Kuleznev I.A.
Men'shikov V.I., Reliability of observing surrounding navigation space with errors of a "human element"
Zaporozhtsev I.F., Sereda A.-V.I.
Artificial neural networks application to temporal variability forecast of ocean surface characteristics spatial distribution
Zenkova I.V.
Summer dynamic of soil temperature in the "Pasvik" reserve mountains
Korikhin N.V., Eygenson S.N.
Stress state of band with the system of periodic cracks
Kuleznev I.A., Zhitnyak M.S., Men'shikov V.I.
Estimation of positive completeness of navigation routes planning
Kumova Zh.V.
Requirements for metrological safety of gauges of linear dimensions of different purposes
Lovchikov A.V., Savchenko S.N.
Stress state of rocks near stope in the "Karnasurt" mine
Masloboev A.V.
Cognitive technology for dynamic synthesis and configuration of problem-oriented multi-agent virtual environments
Men'shikov V.I., Nikitcev K.V., Levoev I.N., Sologubov V.V.
Optimizing the selection of result in difficult fishing navigational situation
Muraveiko A.V., Stepanyuk I.A., Muraveiko V.M., Frolova N.S.
The effects of electromagnetic fields on the activity of marine organisms in the Schumann resonance area
Nechaev E.P.
Non-collapsible control of wear of parts of cylinder-piston diesel group
Peretrukhina I.V., Kazeeva D.O.
Laboratory diagnostics of chromosomal pathology in Murmansk and the Murmansk region (2006-2011)
Puolokainen T.M.
Covering of all convex polyhedrons of class D
Savchenko S.N.
Some possible scenarios of the two-parameter dynamic system evolution
Khairullin M.Kh., Morozov P.E., Abdullin A.I., Shamsiev M.N.
Modelling of development and decomposition of gas hydrates in porous medium at depressurization
Tsimokha Yu.A., Khrapov V.E.
Organisational and economic mechanisms of workers' social insurance by insurance preventive measures
Yudin Yu.I., Grabarovsky A.B.
Calculation of constant components of regular sea power impact on the vessel "Bavenit"
Yarov V.N., Yarova O.Yu., Kalityonkov N.V., Milkin V.I.
Structural characteristics of street lighting lamps for a cold climatic zone