Vol 18, 2015, 3 No
Agarkov S. A., Selin V. S.
Arctic communication in the global economy and the development of the Northern Sea Route
Bogachev V. F., Veretennikov N. P., Sokolov P. V.
Regional interests of Russia in the concept of development of the Arctic
Bogoyavlensky V. I., Bogoyavlensky I. V.
Development of oil and gas fields in the Arctic seas and other Russian offshore areas
Veretennikov N. P., Bogachev V. F., Ul'chenko M. V.
Northern Sea Route: Transport, economy, geopolitics
Zharov V. S., Ivanova M. V.
Management problems of socio-economic development of the Arctic regions
Ivanov G. V.
National security of Russia in the Arctic:Problems and solutions
Ivanova M. V., Zharov V. S.
Terms, factors and threats of functioning the bio-socio-economic
system of the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation
Kibitkin A. I., Peregorodova O. V.
The main approaches to formation of habitat of socio-ecological and economic systems of commercial fishery
Koz'menko S. Yu., Bryzgalova A. E.
Current trends in the Russian closed military territories'development in the military potential buildup
Kotomin А. B.
Vankor cluster: Development of oil extraction and pipeline transport in the East Arctic
Kudinov N. N.
The Coast Guard Federal Security Service of Russia and protection of marine economic activities in the Arctic
Kukor B. L., Stolbov A. G., Kuz'min N. A.
Investigation of coordination of government, municipal and corporate strategic management of socio-economic development of the Arctic coast
Kuranov Yu. F.
The state and trends of fishing activity development in the North-West of Russia
Litovsky V. V.
Prospects for development of the Ural part of the Arctic coast:Geographical aspects
Lukin Yu. F.
Analysis of the Northern Sea Route activity
Masloboev A. V., Putilov V. A.
Specificity and structure of regional security control information support problem
Minakir P. А., Goryunov А. P.
Spatial and economic aspects of development of the Arctic
Podsvetova T. V.
Development of navigable communications of the Arctic as an element of national security of the Russian Federation
Pushkareva L. V., Kotov A. I.
Arctic innovative system as the institutional framework of the regional knowledge economy
Rokhchin V. E., Polyansky A. V.
The nature, composition and main functions of the system
of scientific support in development and implementation of strategic goals for developing the economic potential of an enterprise
Rusanov I. P., Kriger Е. I.
On realization of the transportation strategy of Russia in the Arctic zone and the occurring problems
Savel'eva S. B., Grin Yu. A.
Modernization of the Arctic system
of mineral resources' transportation
Selin V. S., Koz'menko S. Yu., Vydrina E. O.
The Northern Sea Route: The interaction
of economic and defense components
Stolbov A. G., Kukor B. L., Evgrafova L. E.
Prospects for the development of natural resources in the Russian Arctic in the conditions of sanction restrictions
Tatarkin A. I., Petrov M. B.
Priorities for the preparation and implementation of strategic mega-projects involving new hydrocarbon areas of the Arctic coast
Teslya A. B., Bulacheva L. V.
Formation and development of labour potential of the Russian Federation Arctic zone
Turchaninova T. V. , Khrapov V. E., Kibitkin A. I.
Evaluation of machine-building enterprises of the Kola Peninsula
for developing of the Arctic communications
Fedoseev S. V., Zakharova A. A.
Diversification of companies' activity
of the Arctic fuel and energy complex
Khramchikhin A. A.
The impact of the Ukrainian crisis on the military-political and economic situation in the Arctic
Schegolkova А. А.
Еconomic situation of the Ukrainian gas transit